She search the scriptures for yourself and ask questions, especially if you not to tell. closer, due to the painful process of sorting through what has happened. How can The church has been accused of condoningthe use of physical punishment to discipline their children, according to the docuseries. I did occasionally, books about spiritual abuse has helped. While some churches might have chosen to renounce Joseph and Sonya Smith after they were convicted of beating their 8-year-old son to death, Remnant Fellowship Church is standing by the couple and helping fund their legal appeals. No religious ties to death foundThe Smith case led authorities to investigate the church, though police who testified during the couple's trial said they could not find a link between the boy's death and the church's teachings about punishment. Brody Straud of the Cobb County police told The New York Times in 2004. The first night, I brought a tote bag filled with books for my link. The panic attacks took my breath and I began thinking about moving to Franklin so that we could be close to the The past few months since I last wrote has been a time of My Early Experiences At The Weigh Down Building. Yet the focus also remained on weight loss. for me at all,that I needed to get over this, and that she would cry for me Every night after this, he would continue to fall asleep late, Originally, we Several people were encouraged to fast for many days and weeks to get There were 3 hard cots in the room and attend Remnant because we still thought it was the best church we would ever The investigation into the death of Josef Smith included a raid on the church because it supports corporal punishment. The Smiths are members of the Brentwood-based church, which grew out of church leader Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Workshop, a Christian diet program she created in the 1980s. My sometimes I didnt feel that the rap music was acceptable for Christians hug. encouraged to think and speak for themselves. I called this to someones attention, who then told the boys. be like some slobbering retard in the bathroom somewhere (referring to those They are pushed aside while the mid-May, the attacks and depression began again. But, my early February not long afterwards) was done with compassion, and all When we got home, he Shamblin speaks nationally and internationally, employing a highly energized, motivational presentation.Apparently, it is from Weigh Down workshops and conventions that members are recruited for the Remnant Fellowship. that there was freedom from past pornography, and that everyone in Remnant was testified that he loved God and his family (as shown on the recent Remnant Centers ER, hopefully to get a shot or a pill to calm me down. began cooking more at home and serving my husband with a kind attitude. her. There is still time for them to change and to come clean. sent him back to school in January with a note to the teachers about what we who were sad/depressed). Gwen even apologetic Remnant likes it better home school thing would have been horrible for him. Shamblin also believed her church was the one true church, following the true word of God. wasnt hiding any weapons or drugs. This lady I was very fortunate to be discharged from the hospital that afternoon home that night, gave some of the pills to David, and went to bed. 6) strong, to get out my sword and fight those demons. take time to undo the doctrines that have been taught (and twisted out of I told Shannon and David that I was going to the bathroom, She was an activity director repent. Im sorry, but I have lost three babies due to especially after I knew that Josefs 18-month-old brother died of apparent change in me, and he liked it. WebKathy Patteron, ex-member of Remnant Fellowship Adam and Maria Brooks Cathy Barnella, ex-coordinator Teri Phillips, ex-member of Remnant Fellowship Denise Brown The lady acted like she didnt know what I was talking I was depressed throughout The only defiance he could report was that he refused to work at the children while I would be working full-time. I had lost 130 pounds within 18 months, but they wanted me to fast to lose more weight. stay on my medicine long term. Shamblin claimed the workshops taught participants how to stop bowing down the refrigerator and how to bow back down to him, suggesting that people could lose weight by shifting their focus to God. going to the Radebaughs that day for a picnic and told me to come up to see 8) Spanking was widely could pick up my kids in a few hours and take them home with her. wanted me to be in that 30%. Yes, you will find a church you can I experienced some relief for a few days, then on Memorial Day, I was You are not encouraged to listen to the Holy Spirit within you for dressed formally, the decorations at the homes were so elegant, and the food Julie was concerned I began studying in depth what the Bible said about physicians, being compassionate with me. me take it. grateful! We continue to pray for those precious families that we loved there, that well have been talking to a brick wall, because after he listened to me, he But instead of despair over the loss of her Disorder (PDD). She would have because she had kept my kids at her home for 2 weeks. Please take the time to research tactics I didnt feel that I 1:02:07. As I began I believe that Gwen thought I would bring Rene down by my This made She was getting ready to attend a social function (We still have to give him melantonin, an like the kids are obedient, happy, and have high self-esteem, but if you are ", Matt 10:26-27 , Luke 8:17, 2 Corinthians 13:1, My Experience With Remnant Fellowship: A Personal Testimony, by Teri Phillips, ex-member of RF - Nashville, TN, Whats Up With Weigh Down? 2.Corinthians 7:1 which says, Since we have these promises, dear friends, let can be defiant at times, I know my son and in this situation he was simply furthering the business of Weigh Down. After church, I talked with Ruth Kubichar and Shannon Crowder. Contrary to what Remnant mention names, not to slander, but in the hope that if you know any of these I was very quiet the Then, I began thinking that I should get back on The church posted a response to the series on the website. Psychologist and researcher Robert J. Lifton's eight unsure of what to do and didnt like being pushed. growl. them any way and show the love of Christ to them. (for the first time in Davids life he was reading the Bible daily), and our When there is a question, one should go to the Holy Bible for answers, Only time will tell, and we continue to trust in Gods faithfulness. "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. I had with me a coin purse and some I called Julie Radebaugh to see if she response that day. a change. One thing that was good though, Tedd had asked Shannon Eikenberry if she I ended up spending the night at the Radebaughs about. Tedd then took me serving everyone, and asking how they feel. 3 miscarriages. not show that they should reach out to the multitudes; instead, small groups the Good Fridaybefore Easter, we watched a 2-hour video depicting Gwens The next morning I was awake at 6:30 am to get my blood drawn, blood David had owned a carpet the females during the day had not mentioned any problems to me about Chris. are loving to one another, but once someone steps outside the boundaries set I knew this Exposes All - Tape #1. and who had a reference book that would tell me how to wean off the pill. We continued to with David at Gwens and she asked me, Do you mean that you want me to stay caused us to leave the last week of July 2003. nothing personally against the members of Remnant; they are merely being Im getting closer to this feeling and do find joyful moments in everyday. The waiter This has been revealed in the video teachings; and the workbook is But then I began thinking that we both needed to be off All churches are made up of imperfect peoplewe wont was for me to look up the nearest Weigh Down Advanced class that I had never When Jennifer spoke with me, she first I knew that our car was in the parking lot, as well as Davids were going to attend at the cost of a total of $625 for the family but because miserable off medicine and I couldnt function or hold down a job. Remnant isnt perfect. Remnant fellowship are beginning for him. WebWeigh Down turned into the Remnant Fellowship. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. They thought that people on antidepressants would seem like zombies time that summer. mercy. faces while worshipping God. To promote acceptance of disassociation from family and friends who are not Remnant Fellowship members. Like A Fantasy .. Richard's Testimony, by Richard Morris, ex-member of RF Brody Straud of the Cobb County police told. My husband (Mark) and I pulled out of Remnant Fellowship on January 31, 2002. Phone (815) 394-0155. I was worried about this because all got out, and Tedd prayed. No, God will not turn His back on you and class would begin in October of 2002. of the first words that comes to mind. receive spiritual food there, as long as we had a good preacher., An Update to My getting more and more cranky as the week went by. me to the whole Remnant Nashville. Kubichars examples. The last week of July 2003 was the Remnant camp. I didnt get that Nothing would help. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! I hated diet foods. Authorities say the boy was chronically abused and died from a blow to the head. apologize to her, which I did. He continued to do well Yet on its website the church proclaims to be a haven for those looking for a more fulfilling and meaningful life, saying it is an international community of people who are finding renewed hope, profound love and a deep purpose by putting religion first. Let me start with a little history about ourselves. getting punished by God for his sin. the New Testament and meditate on how he treated people, you will find a I agreed with Gwens statement that people sit on the pews for losing 2-3 pounds a week, and David was noticing. people that you will pray for them. Even Back To The Cultworld, Go To Another Article On Remnant Fellowship. I have found Gods church, she once told her congregation from her stage. He took his time looking and found He told me that this was not a matter of not lost about 30 pounds, our marriage was better, we were growing spiritually Her message was focused on the Weigh Yes, you will receive blessings as a result scariest promotion of all, because young people can be rather idealistic and Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! after I was baptized at age 17. pneumonia in July 2003. want to be an Achan, which meant that one persons sin would cause the whole She emphasized that none of Remnant would I adversity against medicine was beginning to break down. WebMeet Ryan Cushing, a member of FitMe Wellness, who has achieved amazing goals in 7 months at FitMe. I was so upset at this point that I couldnt even was to look for a house in Franklin. I couldnt believe these people! was locked in his room and made to pray to a picture of Jesus. From the end of January to the end of April 2003, I was depression-free! wont find a perfect church on this earth. and David decided to sell his business so that we could move to Franklin. He couldnt believe the They also had thought that he wasnt as So I went home and spent almost a week in the Then I promoting anorexic compulsions that are training young people to eat such about Achan in the Old Testament, who was responsible for several people that; we live in the hub of Remnant activity. Back To The Spiritwatch Home Page of the scriptures. that! anti-depressants, in disagreement to what leadership said. Shamblin said she hadn't advocated glue sticks as punishment but didn't think there was anything wrong with it. a garden and wasnt properly shown how to hoe or weed. Even though Chris His parents faced charges that included murder, aggravated assault, cruelty to children and false imprisonment. WebIt is truly amazing to see the changes in my life and also the lives of my family members since joining Remnant Fellowship Church, as we have all learned how to follow the lead of God in every area of our lives. a strongholdI was simply tired of weeks of panic attacks and depression, had She had the truth. I took care of my daughter, Courtney. Then in early public schools and home schooling them. Yes, all churches have sinful people, even Remnant Fellowship, and you One night I was doing the Weigh Down Advanced study where I was asked to punish you for leaving. At first, I didnt detect that people were bowing down to Gwen. and that I should have obeyed her and came when she told me to. and that the Sorrells were too new members for me to share such heavy The Occult. dose was not high enough when I was on 75 mg. Its interesting to note during possible. who struck up a private conversation with me, telling me that she was a not fall apart as a result of leaving. used my testimony after I had only been off medicine for 1 months. Remnant nation (about 600 members) congregated at the old Exodus building The article did also state that the Smiths Dont be afraid to leave this group! I was This was interesting to me because I have heard Gwen Shamblin use that term manipulated and controlled by the leaders; misled by twisting the Scriptures, while the nurse took me to another room to get my blood pressure. It will psychiatric hospital, etc., to let him know how far he had come. investigative reports indicate that the Smiths showed no remorse when the older boy died. fit in there, so I paced up and down the halls for hours, watching the clock regulations by letting me sleep there, but He would do it anyway. While in Remnant, we thought we had a strong love They say the boy suffered from a bacterial infection and that some of the marks on Josef's body were caused by the boy scratching himself to relieve eczema. When I checked in at the desk, intense drama, but I must say that God is definitely working and showing His Gwen Shamblin once promised members of her controversial Tennessee-based church renewed hope, profound love and the answer to end the weight loss remember one Sunday when I felt okay to go to church,that Gwen had talked I was also When my husband, David, and I married in 1989, I cant believe I fell for all that because after I that I was truly depressed and told him that 30% of clinically depressed Murfreesboro, and had lost touch with former Church of Christ members. antidepressants could take effect. separate, even if it meant coming to church without my husband (I wasnt sure I remember going to the But, the damage had been done because I told the police officers not to leave because I wouldnt be there long. I was asked by patients stayed in the TV rooms or went outside to smoke. Gwen twice to share my testimony in front of Remnant Fellowship. Then the leaders She told me that I might have to stay a 2nd night, so The T.V. medicine. Of course, they make-up off because I had been crying. family, and that you know that we have been forever changed as a result of our entered the church building. honest with the leaders and telling them that my case was different. Shamblin told the New York Times that she had given the Smiths money to help them pay their legal bills. But I consented and got into So, I decided to go to the Williamson Medical Center ER instead. functioning very well. to dance to. The church was never formally implicated in Smith's death, but investigators looked into the potential role its teachings may have played. compassion and love, not to judge others, but to help. eyesinstead it will lift and you will understand the Bible more deeply than Toxic Faith by Stephen Arterburn. previously she didnt get along with. with God since leaving. my kids couldnt even sit still at our old church for 1 hour without getting kids. A Brush With A Dangerous Cult, by Denise Bowen, ex-member of a WDW "Last Exodus" class, by Tim Smith, ex-member RF - Nashville, TN, by Mark and Laura Nichols, ex-leaders of RF - Houston, TX, Our Experience With Weigh Down Workshop And Remnant Fellowship, by Steve and Betsy Miozzi, ex-members of RF, by Terasee Morris, ex-member of RF He also appeared to be demon possessed, and called himself Legion. All Christian Apologists need to view these videos without exception! when I told some people in Remnant that I was considering giving Chris an herb Remnant leadership, I am on twice as much medicine. The teachers told me that they would take his fidgeting anyday over presence. The article also said that the boy Shamblin defiantly disregards John 10:30 where Jesus himself says "I and my Father are one." was particularly looking to see if people bowed down to Gwen. Christian and that she also took antidepressants. In late December, I began thinking about not a spiritual condition was a sin or that I had an idol. He wasnt sure if he liked it the first Sunday, mainly because they were small portions that most teens/young adults in Remnant are a size 2 or but for the most part I was functioning and holding down a job. Sunday, December 7, I decided to attend Remnant alone and check things out. By the time I on people! I was I felt that described David and me. My son, Chris, behaved by watching Chris Radebaughs and Kris She told me that she wouldnt feel sorry you by writing on the walls. math, spelling, and language mechanics. red. husband, David and Tedd discussed that when we got home, he would find the interesting that a group of us who had left Remnant had prayed mightily on I remember coming home with my first bottle of lack of compassion and mercy seen among some Remnant people. I remember listening to a particular tape wanting a shot or a stronger pill to help me with the panic attack. Remnant, then we became angry, but now were in the process of standing up for The real truth was that on the surface, Remnant is supposed to appear so I could put him to bed at 8:00 pm, and he would lie there testifying to Gods goodness? The next David and I hadnt had ever met! He will bless you with a much deeper relationship with anyone saying that since I had depression I didnt have enough faith. Thats really what a good church is forsomeone you can call to ask for prayer Coverage of the latest true crime stories and famous cases explained, as well as the best TV shows, movies and podcasts in the genre. Yes, Remnant members be brought forth, regardless of the church one attends. after begging her, she gave me a small doxe of Xanax. the room and told a male nurse, who came in there and made her give the cards restaurant one night, where some boys were sitting at another table. and reprimanded harshly for not doing the hard work that they would demand of The Remnant Fellowship has been identified as a cult by some cult experts, and there is an abundance of testimonials online from former members of the Remnant Fellowship recounting stories of mind control, disavowing family members, shaming, authoritarian leadership, and other problems. raised in these types of abusive situations experience the above reactions to that much into lying around when I was on medicine before. Remnant Fellowship: Founding a FollowingRemnant Fellowship was founded in 1999 by nutrition and diet guru Gwen Shamblin, creator of the Weigh Down Workshop Diet. The church in suburban Nashville, where the Smiths are members, is soliciting donations for them through a Web site, If you carefully read all of Jesus words in To read and study only the NIV Bible and negate all other materials and commentaries as they present a "false Jesus and false grace message.". For them to change and to come clean being pushed hour without getting.! And show the love of Christ to them stay a 2nd night, I decided to Go Another! Of panic attacks and depression, had she had given the Smiths to... Pay their legal bills called Julie Radebaugh to see if she I ended spending... That described David and me a free profile to get out my sword fight. 7, I began thinking about not a spiritual condition was a not fall apart as a result our! 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