On signs repeated on the section of road, one arrowhead points towards the carriageway and the second arrowhead points away from it. They apply up to the next intersection or junction on the same side of the road or until other instructions are given by traffic signs for stationary vehicles. Headlights must be dipped in good time when an oncoming vehicle approaches or when travelling closely behind another vehicle or if the safety of traffic on or beside the road so requires. (1) Anyone violating, either deliberately or negligently, a provision governing: 1. general road user behaviour, pursuant to section 1(2); 2. the use of the road by vehicles, pursuant to section 2(1) to (3a), the first, fifth or sixth sentence of section 2(4) or section 2(5); 4. the distance between vehicles, pursuant to section 4; 5. overtaking, pursuant to section 5(1) or (2), section (5)(3)(1), section 5(3a) to (4a), the second sentence of section 5(5), section 5(6) or (7); 7. the use of left-hand lanes, pursuant to the first sentence of section 7(3a), also in conjunction with the second sentence of section 7(3b), the third sentence of section 7(3c), or lane changing, pursuant to section 7(5); 7a. Stopping and Parking 24. It may be indicated in advance by the same sign with a supplementary sign stating the distance. And, even if the fines are very low compared to most of Europe, it is still possible to get your license withdrawn. Speed Limit in German Cities The normal speed limit within cities is 50km/h. More severe parking offenses include blocking access for emergency vehicles by parking on a narrow street, or parking on the Autobahn (highway). A person operating a vehicle must not stop on the carriageway within the marked zone for longer than three minutes, except to pick up or set down passengers or for loading or unloading. (6) Prior to the beginning of works affecting road traffic, the contractors must obtain instructions from the competent authority, as described in subsections (1) to (3), as to how their road works sites are to be guarded and marked, whether, and if so how, traffic is to be restricted, guided and regulated, even if the road is only partially closed, and whether, and if so how, road closures and diversions are to be marked; the building contractors must also submit a traffic sign plan. (3) Skid marks and other trace evidence must not be removed before the necessary investigations have been made. User: She worked really hard on the project. (4) If, on roads with several lanes for one direction, uninterrupted travel in one of the lanes is not possible, or if a lane comes to an end, vehicles travelling in the adjacent lane must allow vehicles in the other lane to change lanes immediately before the road narrows, in such a way as to let them join their line of traffic in turn after each vehicle travelling in the uninterrupted lane (zip-merging). = 15 * 3/20 The department may establish school speed limits on state highways, within a school zone, on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation. Taxis may, if the traffic situation permits them to do so, pick up or set down passengers alongside other vehicles that have stopped or are parked on the verge or the right-hand edge of the carriageway. = 2 5/20 (5) Children under eight years of age must use the footway for cycling; children under ten years of age may use the footway for cycling. This replaced the previous 18-point system which had been used since 1974. (3) Permission under section 29(2) and section 30(2) shall be granted by the competent road traffic authority; if the event extends beyond the district of a road traffic authority, however, permission shall be granted by the higher administrative authority; it shall be granted by the top-level federal state authority if the event extends beyond the administrative area of the higher administrative authority. They may cross a motor road only at intersections, junctions or other places provided for this purpose; they must not enter these roads at any other places. Persons rollerblading or rollerskating in these zones must do so on the far right-hand edge in the direction of travel, taking extreme care and paying special attention to other road users, and must allow vehicles to overtake. (3) A person riding a pedal cycle or motorcycle must not hold on to other vehicles. Persons of at least 16 years of age may carry up to two children under the age of seven in trailers towed by pedal cycles and suitable for the carriage of children The restriction to children under the age of seven does not apply to the carriage of a disabled child. They are permitted there only if accompanied by suitable persons who are able to control them to the necessary degree. They must show particular consideration towards pedestrians. They may only proceed if they can see that they will neither endanger nor substantially impede a road user who has the right of way. However, Germany also has a minimum speed limit sign (a blue circle), which is most commonly found on the German autobahn. Sign 310 This does not apply: (1a) If, at the approach to a roundabout, sign 215 (roundabout) is placed below sign 205 (give way), traffic on the roundabout has the right of way. Driving abroad? the provisions governing the towing of vehicles (section 15a); 5. the provisions governing the height, length and width of vehicles and loads (second sentence of section 18(1), section 22(2) to (4)); 5a. In general, speed limits in Germany are based on kilometers per hour or "km/h". The 85 th percentile speed is the speed that 85 percent of drivers travel at or below and is one of the best indicators of a reasonable and safe speed. Instead, you will get a letter through the post with all the information you need. MDOT Traffic and Safety 6 6/19/12 A speed limit should generally not be recommended when the length of the total zone would be less than onehalf- of a mile in length. The only thing that makes the German Autobahn famous is NO SPEED LIMIT. one vertically attached cylindrical body of the same colour and length with a diameter of at least 35 cm. When traveling to the U.S., you'll probably encounter a few road signs that you don't recognize, and there may also be some laws around traffic lights you're not familiar with. (1) Use of the road requires constant care and mutual respect. As there are approximately 45 million registered car owners in Germany, the number of driving bans is relatively low. the towing of vehicles pursuant to section 15a; 16. the giving of warning signals, pursuant to section 16; 17. the lighting of vehicles and the parking of unlit vehicles, pursuant to section 17(1) to (4), the first sentence of section 17(4a), section 17(5) or (6); 18. the use of motorways and motor roads, pursuant to section 18(1) to (3), the second sentence of section 18(5) or section 18(6) to (11); a) at level crossings, pursuant to paragraph 2 or 3 of the first sentence of section 19(1), the second or third sentence of section 19(1), or the first sentence of section 19(2), also in conjunction with the second sentence of section 19(2), or section 19(3) to (6), or. 130 kph (80 mph) When is the use of fog lights and low-beam headlights permitted in daylight? Amber: Wait in front of the intersection for the next signal. Particular consideration must be shown towards pedestrians. (10) To grant privileges to electrically powered vehicles, the following sign The requirements set out in section 3(1) of the Electric Mobility Act are to be observed. in trailer caravans being towed by motor vehicles. Regulatory signs shall be used to inform road users of selected traffic laws or regulations and indicate the applicability of the legal requirements. A person operating a vehicle must not park on advisory cycle lanes marked by lane markings. Road users must comply with the instructions given by police officers. A green arrow on the left-hand side after an intersection indicates that oncoming traffic is signalled to stop by a red light and that vehicles wishing to turn left may enter or clear the intersection unhindered in the direction of the green arrow. (4) The maximum permissible speed for motor vehicles fitted with snow chains is 50 kph, even in the most favourable circumstances. Nor does it apply on roads with at least two lanes for each direction marked by a centre line (sign 295) or by lane markings (sign 340). Rows of light-emitting roads studs apply only when they are switched on. pursuant to section 46(1)(2), the road traffic authority in whose district the vehicles are to join the motorway or motor road for an exemption from section 18(1). The sign does not apply to hand carts; in derogation from section 28(2), it also does not apply to horse riders, persons in charge of horses or livestock and drovers. Traffic signs of the same kind with symbols shown in section 39(7) can prohibit other types of traffic. the provision stating that road users may park at parking meters only when they are in operation, and at parking ticket machines only with a pay-anddisplay ticket (section 13(1)); 4b. Fines for driving 10 to 12 kph over the limit in town will double from 35 euros to 70 euros, or around $40 to $80, and from 30 to 60 euros on the highway. If supplementary signs permit use of a cycle track by another type of road user, these users must show consideration for pedal cyclists and the other vehicular traffic must, if necessary, adapt its speed to that of the pedal cyclists. Where the distance is considerably shorter, it may be indicated on a supplementary sign, such as. Vehicles or combinations of vehicles must not be longer than 20.75 metres, including the load. In derogation from section 5b(1) of the Road Traffic Act, the costs of signs 386.1, 386.2 and 386.3 shall be borne by the person requesting their installation. Speed limits on road traffic, as used in most countries, set the legal maximum speed at which vehicles may travel on a given stretch of road. Pedestrians must be neither endangered nor impeded. 40 km equals 46 or roughly 24 miles. (3) The equipment for monitoring parking time referred to in subsections (1) and (2) does not have to be operated if parking charges can be paid or parking time monitored by means of electronic equipment or devices, especially personal parking meters or mobile phones. combined port/road goods transport between the point o. c) fresh fish, live fish and fresh fish products; 3. journeys made by empty vehicles in connection with journeys referred to under (2) above; 4. journeys made by vehicles employed according to the Federal Requisitioning Act. If supplementary signs permit use of a bridle path by another type of road user, these users must show consideration for horse riders and the other vehicular traffic must, if necessary, adapt its speed to that of the horse riders. Barrier planks (sign 600) prohibit pedestrians from entering areas of road closed to traffic. Whether or not you will be allowed to drive is dependent on a variety of factors, the information for which you would be better off contacting an embassy. The vehicle and its load, taken together, must not be higher than 4 metres and not wider than 2.55 metres. Groups of children and young people must walk on the footway, as far as this is possible. The start of the section of road to which the prohibition applies may be indicated by a horizontal white arrow on the sign pointing towards the carriageway, and the end of a prohibition may be indicated by such an arrow pointing away from the carriageway. (6) The headlights of waiting motor vehicles must not dazzle any other persons. No speed limit section starts with sign 282. This combination may only be used together with sign 253. This is without prejudice to the provisions governing the prohibitions of stopping and parking. When crossing, they must pay attention to vehicles approaching from both directions. Valid as from 14 December 2016). = 45/20 They take precedence over all other orders and other rules but do not relieve road users of their obligation to take due care. Germany belongs to this group of countries who have an agreement to co-operate. The same applies to the provision governing the compulsory wearing of seat belts or protective helmets (section 21a). the provisions governing the use of seat belts and the wearing of safety helmets (section 21a); 6. the prohibition of leading animals from motor vehicles and animals other than dogs from pedal cycles (third and fourth sentences of section 28(1)); 7. the ban on driving on Sundays and public holidays (section 30(3)); 8. the prohibition of taking obstacles onto the road (section 32(1)); 9. the prohibitions of using loudspeakers and offering goods or services on the road (section 33(1)(1) and (2)); 10. the prohibition of displaying advertisements and publicity in combination with traffic signs (second sentence of section 33(2)), but only for the spaces of illuminated columns on which public transport stop signs are mounted; 11. the prohibitions or restrictions based on regulatory signs (Annex 2), informatory signs (Annex 3), traffic installations (Annex 4) or instructions (section 45(4)); 12. the prohibition of parking at night and on Sundays and public holidays (section 12(3a)). They may also be used additionally on these vehicles. (3) Subject to the proviso in the second sentence, informatory signs are sited at the place where or from where the instruction is to be complied with. (8) Where sufficient space is available, riders of pedal cycles and motor-assisted bicycles may overtake, at moderate speed and with special care, vehicles waiting in the nearside lane on their right-hand side. Yes. Nevertheless, there are more traffic deaths in Germany than some other European countries, such as the UK or the Netherlands. 6. in the immediate vicinity of recreational sites outside built-up areas; if, by doing so, they can prevent nuisances caused by vehicular traffic that would otherwise be unavoidable. This prohibition of traffic does not apply to vehicles using signed diversion routes (signs 421, 442, 454 to 457.2 or signs 460 and 466) to avoid special traffic situations. A bell may indicate that the barriers are about to be lowered. Most people only think about fines and penalties relating to motor vehicles, but all road users need to be safe and considerate of others. There are many other traffic fines in Germany which apply if you break the rules. (1a) Subsection 1 applies mutatis mutandis to officials from other countries who, on the basis of agreements under international law, are authorized to engage in hot pursuit of or to observe offenders on German territory. Nor must passengers be impeded. In addition, the vehicles referred to in the first sentence may, in derogation from the first sentence of section 12(4) and Annex 2, no 62 (sign 283), no 63 (sign 286) and no 64 (sign 290.1), also be double-parked on the carriageway for a short period of time within a range of 10 m before and after a post box if, due to a lack of other suitable parking places, this is necessary for the purpose of making collections from post boxes. If there is no stop line (sign 294), they must stop at a place from which they have an unobstructed view of the other road. Values for both are determined by conducting engineering and traffic studies. To regain your license, you must wait for the suspension to pass and then reapply. On highways, you are not allowed to drive faster than 100 kph (62 mph) unless otherwise marked. The start of the limit is when you pass the town name sign on entering the town and the end of the limit is the same town name sign with a red line across the town name. Leaving motor roads is permitted only at intersections or junctions. Additional fines of $500 to $1000 will be added if injury or death is caused. (3) The maximum permissible speed, even in the most favourable circumstances, is: aa) motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes, with the exception of passenger cars; cc) goods vehicles and motor homes, in both cases with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, towing a trailer; dd) buses and coaches, also when towing a luggage trailer; aa) motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes; bb) all motor vehicles towing a trailer, with the exception of passenger cars, goods vehicles and motor homes with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes in each case; cc) buses and coaches carrying passengers who have to stand because all the seats are taken; c ) 100 kph for passenger cars as well as other motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes. (5) Markings and cycle facility markings are also traffic signs. Speed management is a critical element of the Safe System Approach. The National Maximum Speed Limit was repealed in 1995. On motor vehicles and their trailers as well as on pedal cycles, the lighting equipment required by law must also be fitted and operational during the hours of daylight; on all other vehicles, however, only if the operator expects to be still driving when lighting is required (section 17(1)). For instance, when traveling on a winding road, the curve warning sign would be used with an advisory speed sign. (4) Pedal cyclists must ride in single file; they may only ride two or more abreast if this does not obstruct traffic. speeding stutgart (04 September 2018), (Source: Federal Law Gazette I 2013, pp. Their speed must be such that they can stop within their forward range of vision. German rules allow only a margin of. allows rollerblading and rollerskating. Stopping is not permitted within the swept path of rail-borne vehicles. (4) Officially approved warning markers may be used to mark, in accordance with the second and third sentences of section 17(4), vehicles and trailers parked on the carriageway within built-up areas. False. If a vehicle with more than two wheels breaks down at a place where it cannot be recognized in time as a stationary obstacle, the hazard warning lights must be switched on immediately. Yes, you can receive multiple speeding tickets that were incurred on the same day. If necessary, speed must be reduced appropriately. At sign 310, drivers must reduce the speed to 50 km/h until a sign appears allowing a higher speed limit or sign indicating the end of city boundary i.e. (3) Flashing amber lights warn of danger. Nor must a road user who is obliged to give way substantially impede a road user who has the right of way when the latter turns into the other road. Slow down and prepare to stop if this can be done without endangering vehicles to the rear. 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