Have plenty of patience with the growth of your snake plant and don’t feel discouraged if it takes a long time to grow. Snake Plant Propagation: 4 Ways To Grow Snake Plant Cuttings, How To Water Indoor Plants Without Making A Mess, Why Is My Basil Plant Dying? Change the water in the glass or vase every week, or any time you see the water looking cloudy. Sansevierias may flower once a year, but it’s not always guaranteed. Pull the plant from its pot and use sharp shears or a hand saw to cut the base apart into sections. Method 1 – Split (or divide) your plant. It's free and easy! The easy nature of snake plant care makes it perfect for almost any interior situation and a visually striking and tenacious specimen. Each one has its pros and cons, but they all result in an expansion of your sansevieria selection! The easiest method of snake plant propagation is by division of rhizomes. This can last weeks to months, so if it isn’t dead, don’t throw it away. Snake plants make great plant babies through this method because of their habit of growing roots and stems into easy to pull apart clumps. These house the energy for leaf and stem growth. You’ll probably want to put down some newspaper or do this outside. It is not necessary to fertilize, but if you feel like doing something nice for the plant, use a half dilution of houseplant food once a month during the growing season. You’ll want to plant the cutting as deep as the plant cuttings are growing in a low-light area. Snake plants need good drainage, so always choose a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. They are whitish gray in color. By Division. In this article, I will focus on propagating … This opens the plant up to bacteria and It’s fascinating to watch the cuttings start to grow roots and develop into young plants. A snake plant cannot withstand frost or freezing temperatures. reasons. This has a number of purposes and improves the success rate of my cuttings. Then water thoroughly, until water runs out the drainage hole. Snake Plant Propagation. I think trying to cut the rhizomes apart inside the pot would be too dangerous for you. Sansevieria is a popular house plant also known as Snake Plant or the politically incorrect ‘Mother in Law’s Tongue’. and spider mites can be easily washed away with water. Wait a couple of weeks and the plant will root on its own. Snake plants are slow growing plants. Snake plants are easy to propagate, by either leaf cuttings or division. If your snake plant leaves are large, you can cut the leaf into sections, and place each section into water, as demonstrated above. They are a whiteish looking stem that somewhat resembles cloves of garlic. Cut it into three parts. The last reason that you may not see growth for a long period of time is that snake plants just grow more slowly than a lot of other plants. The mother-in-law tongue plant rises from thick, under-the-soil organs called rhizomes. Sign up for our newsletter. Pull the plant from its pot and use sharp shears or a hand saw to cut the base apart into sections. I started it with water propagation and when it started to root I shifted it to sand, the leaf developed fast after shifting it to pot. Sansevieria is a slow growing plant but it can become overgrown, this is a great way to get more full grown plants quickly! Underwatering may cause the plant to go dormant rather than die. When the potting mix feels dry, it’s time to water it. Don’t worry about the small shoots. Almost all leaf cuttings will eventually root in water, so this method has a very high success rate. Explains how to propagate snake plant sansevieria by cuttings or by separation, with tips for propagation, planting and care. inflicting a wound upon the plant. Rooting snake plant is easy, we can create get roots in it just with a cutting of the leaf. Sometimes, transplanting snake plants or their cuttings will cause them to go dormant for a period of time.