What did you not like about your last employer? Authored By: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS-AQ ID [Last updated: 2 January 2018] In the pharmacy profession the start of a new calendar year means the start of pharmacy residency interview season. My Live Interview For An Oncology CRA Job - Duration: 9:35. This is also a really important question to answer well. A number of case reports and uncontrolled trials of inhaled furosemide have indicated that it may relieve dyspnea in terminal cancer patients. Look up the program and Division on their website. If you have no idea, graciously concede and move on. Chemotherapy, usually with 2 cycles of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin, is also associated with an excellent outcome, but there are concerns regarding longer-term toxicities, such as infertility and second cancers. 7 Five Difficult Oncology Job Interview Questions (And How to Answer Them) 12 Finding the Right Fit: Questions You Should Ask During Your Job Interview 16 Negotiating the … I am very excited about this possible opportunity as oncology has always interested me and was one of my top choices for nursing I want to do. Our interview questions and answers are created by experienced recruiters and interviewers. Question5: Should I continue to have a pelvic … Question 23. Most medical groups have doctor bios online that list hospital privileges and where patients are seen. Question 1. Question2: Scenario: A 68-year-old woman with a history of heavy tobacco use is found to have a solitary lung nodule on chest computed tomography. Fellows saying they can be on call 24/7 and see patients at outer reaches of the catchment area will most likely be asked to do so. I interviewed at American Society for Radiation Oncology (Washington, DC) in April 2015. Rituximab In Combination With Chop (r-chop) Was Approved In 2006 By The Fda For Treatment Of Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (dlbcl). Does chemistry workout in job interviews? In contrast, historical 5-year survival rates for patients undergoing hepatic resection with curative intent range from 30% to 40%, with several more recent series reporting rates approaching 60%. Question4: What are fibroids? The process took 3 weeks. High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support is feasible and potentially cures a proportion of patients with resistant disease. The Immunomodulating Monoclonal Antibody Alemtuzumab Is Associated With Which Infectious Complication? This malignancy is becoming recognized as an early complication and the most frequent cause of death in persons with viral-associated cirrhosis. Heading towards these interviews there can be a lot of curiosity about what to expect from […] Can You Define Your Ideal Practice Setting or Situation? Question 17. Even if you do not have the opportunity to do a mock interview, prepare answers to commonly asked questions Learn how to answer difficult medical interview questions. This is especially true in community practice, where reimbursement and cost-containing allow the practice to grow.”. 15 signs your job interview is going horribly, Time to Expand NBFCs: Rise in Demand for Talent. FDG([18F]2-Fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose)-PET for baseline locoregional staging is now part of the standard work-up for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Common questions and how to answer them. The patients chemotherapy, problems related to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, psychological support, infection prevention , etc are the main role of nurses. A 55-year-old Woman Recently Completed Induction Chemotherapy For Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (aml) With Evidence Of Complete Remission On Bone Marrow Biopsy. Question 16. Need suggestions on how to curate your list of questions? Ask these from the trainees already there. Question3: Is some bleeding normal when starting Hormone Replacement Therapy? Question 2. Nurse residency Interview Questions "Working in a nursing residence program demands the same care and attentiveness as any other nurse, but with the opportunity to learn under a smaller patient load. DO: “I understand that with reimbursement pressures facing oncology and with increasing competition, for example, from hospitals and other physicians, success will be defined by quality of care, efficiency, and productivity. I wrote all 2200+ questions/answers myself, and I tried to create high-yield questions with succinct explanations. The DNA repair protein MGMT removes alkyl groups from the O6 position of guanine, a target of alkylating agents, such as TMZ. Although this study was small, the authors concluded that it is reasonable to continue 5-year surveillance in patients with 1 to 2 small tubular adenomas found at baseline examination. Only a minority of patients with locoregionally advanced disease can undergo adequate surgical resection, however, and the outcomes were poor with respect to survival and organ preservation. If you’re feeling nervous in the days leading up to the interview, check out this article on Managing Fellowship Interview Anxiety (and Nailing the Interview). This question will give the interviewer insight into a fellow’s willingness to be a hard worker and team player. By Dean Walker 6 things to remember for Eid celebrations, 3 Golden rules to optimize your job search, Online hiring saw 14% rise in November: Report, Hiring Activities Saw Growth in March: Report, Attrition rate dips in corporate India: Survey, 2016 Most Productive year for Staffing: Study, The impact of Demonetization across sectors, Most important skills required to get hired, How startups are innovating with interview formats. In women, it also slightly more than doubles the risk for endometrial cancer (RR, 1.59; P < .0001) and increases risk for renal cancer by about a third (RR, 1.34; P < .0001). The role of soy foods and supplements is uncertain. You can also expect to be asked about how you would respond to a specific work-related situation. Nursing employers tend to lean towards asking behavioral based interview questions. In this article, we will list interview questions and answers, as well as provide tips to help you get ready. What Do You Know About The Oncology Care Model (OCM)? A. OK, so the interviewer has asked you to say something negative about your ex-employer. Pathology From A Recent Bronchoscopy Reveals Adenocarcinoma. Interview tips: 1. A: Some general questions that you will want to know the answers to include: - Is your program split evenly with anatomic and clinical pathology (AP/CP)? In this article, we will list interview questions and answers, as well as provide tips to help you get ready. After this procedure, the 10-year disease-specific survival for Ta tumors is 85% and for T1 tumors it is 70%. Question 7. I prefer not to drive to several hospitals to round on patients. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. - Do most residents in your program do an AP/CP track? The questions cover all of the Benign Hematology, Malignant Hematology, and Solid tumors. Full explanations are provided with the correct answers. An interview will not be purely focused on clinical experience. No, Bleeding complications occur more frequently as the severity of thrombocytopenia increases, but only after the platelet count crosses a threshold of about 10 to 30 x 103. Even if they’ve heard of the OCM, they likely have not been subject to the broader policy conversations during their fellowship training. Renehan and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 141 articles that included 282,137 cases of cancer. In patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer, modern systemic chemotherapy regimens provide median survival times ranging from 12 to 24 months, and survival beyond 5 years is uncommon. Each trial is carefully designed to safeguard the health of participants as well as answer specific research questions. DON’T: “I would only be comfortable seeing eight to 10 patients per day.” While this is reasonable for a physician just starting in a community practice, it’s not easy to sustain a practice at this level. 250+ Oncology Interview Questions and Answers, Question1: What percentage of all breast cancer cases is related to genetic susceptibility? The use of functional imaging techniques, such as FDG-PET and PET-CT, to manage patients with cervical cancer is constantly increasing. Is A Platelet Transfusion Necessary At This Time? In a randomized trial conducted by the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP), tamoxifen (20 mg daily) was compared with placebo as adjuvant breast cancer therapy. And on the day of their interview, they were all exceptionally well-prepared. In my last position, I was regularly required to communicate news to patients and their families regarding oftentimes sensitive information. Obesity Is A Risk Factor For Which Types Of Cancer? What Is The Recommended Management For This Disease? From the author of An Expert's Guide to Total Interview Success, Barry Golds lists the 10 killer job interview questions.. Q1. Here we share common questions and answers for your Oncology Nurse interview. They don’t have to get into the minute policy details of what the OCM is, but fellows need to have a general, high-level understanding of the direction oncology care is going in the country. Which Of The Following Statements Concerning The American Cancer Society Nutrition And Exercise Guidelines For Cancer Survivors Is False? What Further Staging Work-up Is Necessary For This Patient Before Surgical Resection? Question2: What are the testing options available for assessing the risk of Down’s Syndrome? The latter should be helpful for rapid-fire review prior to a board examination. Nurse interview questions to practice. Sunburn is an important risk factor for 2 types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and melanoma. Oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. 2318 Mill Road, Suite 800, Alexandria, VA 22314 | Phone 571-483-1300 | ©2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). How this question is answered will reveal personal work ethic and willingness to grow the practice and be a team player. She Subsequently Was Found To Have A Platelet Count Of 25,000/microliter With No Clinical Evidence Of Bleeding. Would you say that you have good communication skills? However, data on this treatment as initial therapy for higher-risk patients are scarce. Have a good answer/question for when you get asked if you have any questions for them. Effective therapy for hepatitis B and C has led to more patients with cirrhosis being diagnosed and screened. We do not claim our questions will be asked in any interview you may have. However, the grade of dysplasia determines the interval for surveillance endoscopy. However, successful surveillance requires strict compliance on behalf of both doctor and patient. Login to Apply for Healthcare Jobs. TUR remains the surgical mainstay for the diagnosis and treatment of stages Ta and T1 bladder cancer. I see you have several doctors who specialize in breast cancer but only a few who see lymphoma. In today’s world, with economic pressures always going up and reimbursements going down, fellows need to be more efficient and productive, which includes seeing higher volumes of patients, but never compromising patient care. Answer : A protocol is the study plan on which the clinical trial is based. The initial TUR provides pathologic material to determine the histologic type, grade, and depth of invasion. Age is an important issue in the treatment of patients with DLBCL because of the greater risk for comorbid conditions. Job interview questions and sample answers list, tips, guide and advice. Do you have a strong desire to become cancer specialist? Two randomized trials examined nephrectomy followed by interferon vs immediate therapy with interferon in patients presenting de novo with metastatic kidney cancer. Do not talk about the nice weather. Endoscopic ablation therapies can be considered as a viable alternative to surgery in this patient population. Currently, patients receiving tamoxifen should undergo a routine pelvic examination with prompt evaluation of abnormal vaginal bleeding by endometrial biopsy. Most program directors say that “fit” is their biggest consideration in ranking applicants. It only costs 49.99 for 6 months of access. This is also a really important question to answer well. Learn about the best oncology nurse interview tips so you can earn this top position. It’s going to lead to disaster if a fellow says, “I can go anywhere and be anything you need me to be,” when in reality, that promise cannot be fulfilled. Nonetheless, the OCM is the future face of oncology, and if interviewees do some research and come prepared to answer bigger-picture questions about oncology, they’re going to set themselves apart from other interviewees by leaps and bounds. Practice Why are you recruiting for this position (replacing someone, community growth, etc.) The current recommendations from the joint American Cancer Society/US Multisociety Task Force on Colorectal Cancer are that 5- to 10-year intervals are appropriate for follow-up of patients at low risk for subsequent advanced adenomas. Temozolomide (TMZ) is an orally administered alkylating agent of the imidazotetrazine class that is chemically related to dacarbazine. When interviewing, there is never a “right” answer, but remember to be honest, remain calm, confident and interested in the position. Determine who is in charge of negotiations. Two well-designed, prospective studies confirmed the high NPV (98%) of the mediastinum of patients with resectable NSCLC and that significantly fewer invasive tests (ie, mediastinoscopy) were required in the PET group than in the traditional work-up group. The number of faculty members and trainees is much smaller in the fellowship program, and some fellows may stay on faculty after their fellowship. Sample residency interview questions and answers. Planning for your interviews can help you feel more prepared to answer the interview questions with confidence. I would like to participate in research and be viewed as a community educator and thought leader.”. In addition to increasing cumulative doses of anthracyclines, older age, preexisting cardiac disease, hypertension, irradiation to the mediastinum, simultaneous administration of other antineoplastic agents, poor nutritional status, previous treatment with anthracyclines, and diabetes mellitus have been identified as the most important risk factors for anthracyclineinduced cardiotoxicity. Both trials showed significant trends toward survival favoring nephrectomy before interferon. From the author of An Expert's Guide to Total Interview Success, Barry Golds lists the 10 killer job interview questions along with suggested answers. However, there is little pub-lished guidance on this topic for trainees. Although it is impossible to predict exactly what you will be asked and how you should respond in any given interview, these tips for preparation should go a long way in making you feel more comfortable about your big day. Using data from these studies, they calculated the effect of gaining weight that was equivalent to an increase of 5 kg/m2 in body mass index (BMI). When Should He Schedule His Next Colonoscopy? Furthermore, the benefits of tamoxifen in the adjuvant breast cancer setting far outweigh the small risk for uterine cancer. Her renal function was normal and a staging Several subsequent randomized studies showed that using a platelet count < 10 x 103 as the trigger for prophylactic transfusion did not increase the risk for bleeding. Is Cytoreductive Nephrectomy Recommended For Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (rcc) Before Cytokine Or Targeted Therapy? In a study conducted at the National Cancer Institute to assess the risk for bleeding in patients with thrombocytopenia, the investigators were not able to determine a threshold below which platelets should have prophylactic transfusion. Helps you prepare job interviews and practice interview skills and techniques. In Chapter 2 of our Nursing Interview Questions Guide, we've shared 5 experts' thoughts on how to prepare for and answer scenario-based questions. It has been shown that facial cooling, with use of a small mechanical fan, in the areas subserved by the second and third branches of the trigeminal nerve reduces the sensation of breathlessness and may be efficacious in cancer patients. Question 24. Such a weight gain doubles the risk for esophageal adenocarcinoma in both sexes (relative risk [RR], 1.52; P < .0001). I will work to build relationships throughout the community and establish myself as a trusted, caring physician.”. What Is The Main Cause Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (hcc) In The United States? Here's a list of examples of … In familial breast cancer, mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2, CHEK2, TP53, and PTEN genes account for approximately 5% to 10% of breast and ovarian cancer cases overall. Chapter 8 presents multiple-choice, board review questions on oncology including lung cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer. Our goal is to create interview questions and answers that will best prepare you for your interview, and that means we do not want you to memorize our answers. 5 Oncology Nurse Interview Questions & Answers. An oncologist is a doctor who treats cancer and provides medical care for a person diagnosed with cancer. “Come loaded with questions,” Bichkoff recommends. Alemtuzumab has been shown to destroy target cells through antibodydependent cellular cytotoxicity, complement-mediated cytolysis, and induction of apoptosis. Most also came with a … In tumors, high expression of MGMT has been associated with resistance to treatment with alkylating agents. Director of Physician Recruiting with The US Oncology Network. However, following this study prophylactic transfusion became common practice for patients with a platelet count below 20 x 103. It is highly worthwhile spending some time before an interview preparing some sample questions and answers. Since the OCM is a new paradigm in oncology, fellows are typically unprepared to answer this question. In this post, you can reference some of the most common interview questions for a oncology nurse interview along with appropriate answer samples. Then look on to www.wisdomjobs.com. Trastuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that targets the extracellular domain of the HER2 receptor to prevent dimerization with other HER family members and subsequent downstream signaling events. Get the top 22 frequently asked nursing interview questions with answer tips, mistakes to avoid, and more ways to stanad out in your job interview. These strategies were followed in the landmark R-CHOP trials, including the Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA) and the US Intergroup Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 4494/Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) 9793 trials. We have an App available for Android and the iPhone; it is part of the subscription. As of August 2020, all questions have been updated/edited. Question 12. The interviewers are not looking for the answer, “I’ll see 30 patients a day!” But they do want to have a general idea if the fellow understands the economics of oncology. How Can Freshers Keep Their Job Search Going? Mr. Walker does not carry out direct hiring, but facilitates the recruiting process for the practices within The US Oncology Network, a physician-led network of integrated, community-based oncology practices comprised of more than 1,000 physicians. What Is The 5-year Survival Rate For Patients Who Undergo Curative Hepatic Resection Of Colorectal Liver Metastases? 48 oncology interview questions. However, most patients eventually relapse and die from their disease. Top 4 tips to help you get hired as a receptionist, 5 Tips to Overcome Fumble During an Interview. Question 11. Current roles include pretreatment staging and diagnosis of recurrent disease. Each candidate had practiced their answers to expected questions. Traditionally, clinical examination and cross-projectional imaging have been used to stage cervical cancer but are accurate in only 60% of cases. Generally, a lot of information about the number of hospitals and patients can be found by doing pre-interview research online. Approximately 30% of patients with RCC present with stage IV disease. Interest is growing in the intraperitoneal delivery of chemotherapy to patients with ovarian cancer who have minimal residual disease following initial cytoreductive surgery. BioChemistry Interview Questions ; Question 19. Full explanations are provided with the correct answers. Mr. Walker does not carry out direct hiring, but facilitates the recruiting process for the practices within The US Oncology Network, a physician-led network of integrated, community-based oncology practices comprised of more than 1,000 physicians. Question 4. Excess body weight is becoming increasingly recognized as an important risk factor for cancer. It is a great idea to keep an ever-expanding list of interview questions, from reading the medical press, asking those who have just been to an interview, your own interviews, and asking those on interview panels which questions 13. Of note, most women who develop uterine cancer during tamoxifen therapy present with vaginal bleeding, have early-stage disease, and usually (but not always) have well-differentiated tumors. And on the day of their interview, they were all exceptionally well-prepared. Results have shown that R-CHOP is effective in both older and younger patients and in low- and high-risk IPI groups. 2 Updated: Top 10 fellowship interview questions with answers To: Top 36 fellowship interview questions with answers On: Mar 2017 3. Yes, I believe I have exceptional communication skills. Dean Walker, Director of Physician Recruiting with The US Oncology Network, shares insight on five difficult questions fellows may encounter during an interview. Final Examination for the Fellowship in Clinical Oncology (Part A) Sample SBA Questions . Learn general, behavioral, situational and experience based Nursing Interview questions and answers with examples. Suggested Interview Q&As Explore expert tips and resources to be more confident in your next interview. He Undergoes A Transurethral Resection (tur), Which Reveals T1 Superficial Bladder Cancer. To address this issue, a group from the University of Pennsylvania identified 1002 patients with 1 or 2 small adenomas at their first colonoscopy who had ≥ 3 colonoscopies performed within a 13-year period. 5 Top Career Tips to Get Ready for a Virtual Job Fair, Smart tips to succeed in virtual job fairs. ), but I would not be able to contain my snark on some of them and felt it best just to keep my mouth shut. Here, we address this knowledge gap by 2, 31). In a literature review of more than 600 cases of T1 bladder tumors treated only by TUR, 75% to 90% recurred by 5- and 10-year follow-up. Ltd. Wisdomjobs.com is one of the best job search sites in India. Recent Consultant Interview Questions By Speciality In addition to the questions set out above which could be asked at any interviews, we felt it was important that you saw also which questions come up in specific specialities, which topics are being addressed and with which weighting. 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