Tillandsia Bulbosa prefers coastal areas, strands and hammocks. Approximately 5-10" tall. Some have said that it resemble a sea creature with its smooth, long arms. Tillandsia capitata mauve x xerographica. He currently serves as an Arboretum Curator and is a member of multiple gardening societies and foundations. In this episode Paul adds to his discussion of species, forms, cultivars and hybrids of Tillandsia bulbosa, one of the most beloved of all tillandsia by collectors and growers around the world. Tillandsia bulbosa, one of the myrmecophytic air plants. If you are unfamiliar with Tillandsia or Tillys, as they are affectionately called by air plant aficionados, this article is going to introduce you to one of the genera’s most popular species. Home / Air Plants (Tillandsia) / Air Plant Varieties (Tillandsia) / Bulbosa. Tillandsia 'Califano' baileyi X … Although they are often sold in sealed terrarium-like containers and pretty tall vases, these are actually not the ideal environment for Tillandsia bulbosa. They offer a wide choice of colors, shapes and size while demanding no further care. With their colorful flower spikes and gray-green leaves, tillandsia plants (Tillandsia spp.) This is the so-called "Giant" form, which are 2-3x the size of run-of-the-mill T. bulbosa.Plants flanking it are large form of T. stricta...note seedlings of same that have germinated on the leaves of … When choosing a location for your Tillandsia bulbosa, keep in mind this air plant is naturally found in relatively humid areas. So how do they grow without any soil? Tillandsia produce different blooms depending on their species, many of them producing beautifully colored blossoms that come in a myriad of colors ranging from delicate pinks and fiery reds, to bright purples and yellows. Do make sure no water is left in its bulbous base after soaking (give it a good shake!) Why? Native Area: Southern Mexico, Central and South America USDA Growing Zones: 9–11 If you have any more questions about growing Tillandsia bulbosa or if you want to share your experiences with this wacky houseplant, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! With lavender purple flowers, fern green leaves, silver and red leaf margins at the centre it really is a striking plant. Origin. You can also grow these air plants under articificial light. One can promote flower formation by the addition of old smelling apples, which emanate apple gases that in turn can encourage Tillandsia plants to flower. Bulbosa air plant | Tillandsia bulbosa care & info! Increase mistings during the summer months when the plant is actively growing and getting plenty of light. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Tillandsia bulbosa has bright, wavy, green leaves which are smooth to the touch. Latin name. What is green, has funky tentacle-like leaves and doesn’t need any soil? Andy's Air Plants, Penzance Cornwall. … Tillandsia bulbosa: foliis (subpaucis) e basi latissima circa bulbum vaginata longe subulatis rigidis coriaceis tereti-convolutis, superioribus basi angustoribus( in v. coloratis), spica ramosa bracteata bracteis ovatis distichis (seape coloratis), petalis acuminatis purpureis brevioribus, staminibus exsertis, filamentis infra apicem dilatatis. Even though this is a green leafed species, it does not like to be kept too wet. You must login to see plant details or receive plant care instructions for this plant! Most air plants are unique-looking and Tillandsia bulbosa is certainly a great example of this. The temperature is flexible as long as it remains above 55o Fahrenheit. It is also so easy to create new plants in this species. These look great in driftwood pots, orbs, terrariums and more. The cultivars range in size from Tillandsia bulbosa ‘Baby’, which is quite small, to the absolutely huge Tillandsia bulbosa ‘Gigante’. You can buy a generic Bromeliad fertilizer spray or even a specialized type for Tillandsias like this one. Something around or even above room temperature is much better – just don’t let your bulbosa get scorched by the sun. Regular price $15.00. Tillandsia bulbosa X seleriana. Instead, along the leaves of tillandsias are tiny hair-like structures called trichomes and this is how they take in moisture. Soil. In order to understand the basics of growing air plants, let’s take a look first at where and how air plants, or Tillandsia, grow in nature. These are the typical Tillandsian flowers. HOWEVER YOUR PLANT IF SHIPPED GREEN, WILL BUD AS SHOWN IN PHOTO*** LISTING IS FOR (1) BULBOSA BELIZE AIR PLANT. Air Plant Tillandsia mix. If you’ve never grown Tillandsias before you might be wondering how you are supposed to water a plant that doesn’t grow in soil. It has a bulb-like base, making it a myrmecophyte, in which ants use the structure as a shelter or storage. Tillandsia bulbosa. The vessel for displaying the air plant can be something as improvised as a found shell or a piece of driftwood. or you might eventually end up dealing with rot. When this air plant blooms, the leave tips and inflorescence becomes a bright cherry-red color, which in nature, is used to attract bird species for pollination. Tillandsia bulbosa likes quite a bit of light, although direct sun is probably a little too intense. Common name. Don't expect a floral display every year, though, as it only flowers once in its lifetime. These areas are warm and relatively humid. Your bulbosa will probably appreciate not being placed in a very dry area of your home; your kitchen or bathroom might work well! Greetings: A particularly nice form of Tillandsia bulbosa from Caribbean coast of Guatemala in full flower at my home a couple years back.Grown fully exposed on cork mount from single offset. With lavender purple flowers, fern green leaves, silver and red leaf margins at the centre it really is a striking plant. Seagrass and jute plant baskets (Set of 2). You can also give this air plant the occasional soak. Tillandsia bulbosa is widespread throughout Central and South America; growing in countries such as Colombia, southern Mexico, Venezuela and the West Indies. If you are interested in trying your hand at an air plant, this is the perfect starter option. Fertilizing is not necessary, but if you feel the need to fertilize seek out a specially formulated tillandsia variety. Approximately 6-7. They are native to the warmer climates of the Americas. Tillandsia capitata mauve. The Bulbosa’s habitat is a relatively wet region so the leaves do not have an excess amount of trichomes, and they appear smooth. The bulbous air plant is an otherworldly looking species that features tendrils that appear from a prominent bulb at the base. Family. It grows in dense masses on trees in open woods, in dense forests, in mangrove thickets along the coast, and on lianas on the shores of rivers from sea level to an altitude of 1400 meters. Again, if you’ve never grown air plants this part might be a little confusing. Some plants in the genus do not even need another plant and can grow on constantly moving desert sand. Some have said that it resemble a sea creature with its smooth, long arms. Try not to let the temperature drop below around 12 °C/53.5 °F even in winter. Air circulation and bright indirect lighting is best. bright. If you love air plants, don’t forget to also check out the Tillandsia bulbosa caresheet. Unlike most plants, the bulbosa will not need a container or soil. This frost tender evergreen bromeliad hails from southern Mexico and the West Indies southward into northern South America. Tillandsia Bulbosa can be grown horizontally or even upside down to prevent rot. They put out offsets, called pups, at the base of the original plant. And if you love air plants, why not check out the Spanish moss care guide as well? It features lovely tendrils that are a gorgeous shade of deep green that appear to move and wave as you admire it. Other common names bulbous air plant. Home of Tillandsia and Bromeliads for sale in the UK. Login to see prices. In exchange, the plant feeds off of waste the ants leave behind. This is, of course, where it gets both its botanical name and its common name. Flower color. When flowering, the leaves become brilliantly coloured in scarlet tones from which emerge a red flower spike bearing purple, tubular flowers. Tillandsia 'Burnt Fingers' didisticha X duratii. For people with a notoriously black thumb, who want to grow a plant in the worst way, air plants are the most sensible option, and Tillandsia bulbosa is really the best bet in succeeding with air plants. When grown outdoors, Tillandsia bulbosa has a symbiotic relationship with ants. It is considered a herbaceous plant, vascular without woody structure below or above the ground. When these form to around half the size of the mother plant, you can easily remove them to mount them in a separate position. Very healthy-best qulity you can find. Showtime produces a lighter green coloration than typical Bulbosa, but fastidious collectors will notice that its thicker, wavy leaf structure lends itself to a Streptophylla pattern. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. Tillandsia capitata mauve. Air plants are normally easy to grow but bulbosa is especially easy as it has very relaxed watering needs. They do appreciate some fertilizer here and there but… where do you put it if not in the soil? […], […] They’ll appreciate a good soak!Examples of (semi-)mesic air plants are the dark green and smooth Tillandsia bulbosa and butzii, as well as the slightly lighter Tillandsia brachycaulos and […]. Tillandsia bulbosa. Tillandsia capitata … Tillandsia bulbosa is very adaptable to light and partial shade. Well, Tillandsia bulbosa of course! SKU: K40. Caring for Tillandsia bulbosa is extremely simple. All Right Reserved. There are many different styles of blooms within the Tillandsia world. Try not to soak the leaves. Sundries for Air Plants (Tillandsia) Bulbosa. Some are in bloom now. All rights reserved. Tillandsia bulbosa is not toxic to humans or household pets. If your local plant store or garden center carries air plants you might be able to find it there. This particular variety is easy to grow and will brighten up any home with its almost alien-like looks. Tillandsia in Nature. Care for ZZ plant | All about Zamioculcas... Bird of paradise plant care | All about... Pilea peperomioides toxicity | Is it safe for... Spanish moss | Tillandsia usneoides care & info | Houseplant Central, How to water air plants | Full air plant watering guide | Houseplant Central, Chinese money plant care & info | Pilea peperomioides. Have a look at the full guide to watering air plants. Learn how your comment data is processed. In the wild, this air plant can be found throughout the Caribbean Basin, Central America and some parts of South America. Both Tillandsia bulbosa and Tillandsia caput-medusae (plants in the middle row in the above picture) have less leaves and a thicker bulb like base. The nitrates and other nutrients make the perfect plant food, so just soak your Tillandsia bulbosa in “fish water” instead of tap water to keep it growing well. Tillandsia 'But Silver' Tillandsia butzii x pseudobaileyi. It thrives in hot and humid environments, like cypress swamps. Tillandsia tectorum ( photo right ) is perhaps the most popular "grey" Air Plant which is covered in Trichomes giving it an almost fury appearance ( a bigger photo is in the gallery if you need it ). This is definitely different from most people’s idea of how a plant grows. Tillandsia is the largest genus in the bromeliad family, accounting for approximately 550 of the over 2,500 species of bromeliads. Commonly known as air plants, they are found from jungle to rain forest to arid desert environments – from sea level to high mountain regions. How to Get the Tillandsia Air Plant to Bloom. Some are in bloom now. It features lovely tendrils that are a gorgeous shade of deep green that appear to move and wave as you admire it. Tillandsia bulbosa Belize. *****LIMITED STOCK *** **** NOTE - BULBOSA BELIZE ARE SHOWN IN BUD, AND I ALWAYS SHIP IN BUD WHENEVER AVAILABLE.. Family Bromeliaceae. Its glossy green leaves and twisted curly leaves give it a look unlike anything else. General Description. The centre and upper leaves glow cherry red when about to flower. So what does work well as a Tillandsia bulbosa container? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tillandsia bulbosa is one of the more common air plants and you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it. This is an amazing hybrid that shows influences of both parent plants, particularly Tillandsia Bulbosa. Large Bulbosa Belize. Tillandsia bulbosa. The leaves of bulbousa are a dark green that turn a really lovely violet when the plant is ready to bloom. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. 25 Recommended Air Plants to Grow Indoors, How to Grow and Care for Chinese Money Plant, The 10 Best Plants for Your Office or Desk. Large Bulbosa Belize. Visit my website for information on Bromeliads and Air Plants for sale. There are also loads of air plant holders available online from all kinds of sellers. Tillandsia aeranthos large flower. The Belize variety get very large with big red flower spikes. > Rainforest Tillandsias These Tillandsia species are suitable for planting in vivariums, terrariums and … It does not particularly like bright sun and would prefer indirect light and partial shade, but it is a flexible plant. (Picture 3 shows 3 plants) One of my absolute favorites of all air The wild type of Tillandsia bulbosa is really stunning and long-lasting. The Tillandsia Bulbosa is a beautiful addition to any home or office. […] If you have any more questions about growing Spanish moss indoors or want to share your own experiences with this funky houseplant, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below! In the wild these plants can be found attached to branches in low lying forests, in mangrove thickets … The length of the inflorescence is 2 to 7 cm. It likes a moist environment and this can be achieved with regular, light mistings. Once it blooms it then offsets pups and will clump or can be separated from the mother plant. Air plants like the bulbosa are all the rage at the moment and their popularity isn’t showing any signs of decreasing. Cute as it may look, try to avoid anything that doesn’t allow the air to circulate properly. But one of the great things about the Bulbous air plant is the number of hybrids and cultivars that are commercially available. Most plants of the genus are epiphytes, which means they grow on and take nutrients and moisture from other plants, rather than from the soil. Source: fr.aliexpress.com Tillandsias, commonly called air plants, are members of the bromeliad family and native to South and Central America where they grow as epiphytes on tree trunks and branches. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Tillandsia bulbosa Belize. Because Tillandsia bulbosa is a tropical plant it won’t appreciate cold. The Tillandsia truly are beauty of an air plants. Air plants differ from other plants in how they absorb water as they do not use their root system. There are actually multiple methods. The Tillandisa bulbosa is indigenous to numerous regions of the world including southern Mexico, the West Indies, South America, and even southern Florida. The centre and upper leaves glow cherry red when about to flower. Watering a bulbosa is an easy task. Genus Tillandsia are evergreen perennials, often epiphytic, forming rosettes of leathery, linear or strap-shaped leaves, and tubular or funnel-shaped flowers which may be 2-ranked in spikes with conspicuous bracts, or solitary and inconspicuous. Back to Cultivars. Bulbous Air Plant, Dancing Bulb. The Belize variety get very large with big red flower spikes. Bromeliaceae. To figure out what Tillandsia bulbosa needs to thrive, it’s a good idea to look at the way it naturally grows. Very healthy-best quality you can find. TILLANDSIA bulbosa. The bulbous airplant develops a rosy pink blush on its curvaceous leaves before the purple flowers appear in spring. Tillandsias. The Tillandsia Bulbosa is a beautiful addition to any home or office. Tillandsia bulbosa doesn’t have many water-attracting hairs (trichomes) on its leaves, so it likes a little more water than many other air plants. Air plants belong to the genus Tillandsia, and within that genus, there are over 650 species! Tillandsia capitata mauve x xerographica. Tillandsia bulbosa is often found growing on trees, where it gets plenty of light but direct sun is usually blocked out. Placing the plant in soil is actually going to harm it as it will cause moisture to remain in its hollow bulb and create the opportunity for rot. Clockwise from top left: Tillandsia textorum, T. bulbosa, T. tricolor, T. stricta, T. velutina, T. gardeneri (Caitlin Atkinson) They’re almost zero-maintenance, but a little care will help them live their best lives. Tillandsias are Bromeliad epiphytes, which means they use their tiny roots to attach themselves to any suitable surface (in a non-parasitic way). It can be suspended from a piece of wire or it can be placed in something as elaborate as a terrarium. Comes in a wide range of sizes from 10-20cm tall. Their roots are mainly used to secure them to other plants or rocks. Although bulbosa can be grown from seed it isn't an easy proposition and germination can take many months or even years. Les is a Master Gardener and arboretum curator with 30 years of experience and is self-described as "tree-hugging dirt worshipper." For bulbosa, it will usually only need two or three light mistings every week with a spray bottle. Try keeping your air plants away from your pets, because they are the perfect size for a chewing toy! The former has leaves that grow larger and more straight, whereas the other stays relatively small and has leaves growing in all directions. Bromeliaceae (T) Group. The Tillandsia Bulbosa truly is a dark beauty of an air plant. Description. Tillandsia bulbosa is somewhat of a popular plant. All air plants actually need plenty of fresh air and do best out in the open. Luckily, Tillandsias like Tillandsia bulbosa aren’t toxic to cats and dogs. This airplant produces tubular flowers with a protruding stamen. Tillandsia Bulbosa has long, thin, contorted leaves which, as the name suggests meet in a bulb like centre. They do, like all plants, cause an upset stomach. © 2020 Regents of the University of Minnesota. Tillandsia 'Bushfire' geminiflora X stricta. It likes a moist environment and this can be achieved with regular, light mistings. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Tillandsia bulbosa care and growing this air plant in your own home! Botanical Name. don't need soil. Just spray your bulbosa a few times a week to keep it happy and healthy. The Tillandsia bulbosa is native to the humid climates of South and Central America. If you’re lucky enough to own an aquarium or have a pond in your back yard, you can actually use this water as a gentle natural fertilizer. add an exotic flair to a home or garden. Comes with care instructions by CTS Air Plants Regular price $60.00. Offsets eventually appear around the base and it becomes an amazing multi-plant specimen. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. @2015 - PenciDesign. The bulbs are somewhat hollow and the ants make their home inside them. Create a nice wire structure for your bulbosa to perch upon, attach the air plant to a piece of decorative rock or driftwood or just plop the plant on your windowsill. If you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home there are also tons of online sellers out there; you can buy a Tillandsia bulbosa on Amazon here. The important features are as under; The plant produces bright and prominent tubular flowers, with cherry-red or pinkish petals having lavender purple tips and yellow stamens. Eventual (Mature) Height: 12cm; Eventual (Mature) Width: 15cm; Flower colour: Blue; Watering: Moderate A wonderful variety of Air Plants / Tillandsia for sale online by award winning gardener Andrew Gavin. Family. Filtered or indirect light is ideal, which means a location near a window should work best. ... 24-26 °C, 75.2 - 78.8 - F. Light. The temperature is flexible as long as it remains above 55 o Fahrenheit. When buying your Tillandsia bulbosa keep in mind there are multiple types, with the most common being “Belize” and “Guatemala”. Polka dot plant care & info | Hypoestes... Monstera adansonii care | Swiss cheese vine. These look great in driftwood pots, orbs, terrariums and more. The former has leaves that grow larger and more straight, whereas the other stays relatively small and has leaves growing in all directions. Just spray once every two weeks to once a month during the growing season to supply your Tillandsia bulbosa with some extra nutrients. When buying your Tillandsia bulbosa keep in mind there are multiple types, with the most common being “Belize” and “Guatemala”. You can be as (un)creative as you like! Tip: Want to learn more about keeping your air plants hydrated? Tillandsia butzii x seleriana. It’s easy, really. soft-blue. Sold out. Plant Common Name. In air plants that live in drier climates, the number of trichomes will be profuse and give the air plants that famous silver or white look they are known for. "Just thought one of you might like to clarify this plant, I obtained it from Maurice a while ago labelled "aeranthos large flower form", it behaves very un-aeranthos like in that it only produces one pup after flowering and we all know how prolific this species can be. Register now! Tillandsia bulbosa Flower. Description ... tubular leaves. Hybrids range from Tillandsia bulbosa x ionantha ‘Joel’ to Tillandsia Lucille x bulbosa ‘The Perfect Blend’ which change not only the form but color of the plant. 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