Period 2: 1607-1754 - Weebly APUSH Chapter 26 Vocab Flashcards - CourseNotes Distinguish between Native American and European concepts of land ownership. WXT 2.0‐ Explain how patterns of exchange, markets, and private enterprise have developed, and analyze ways that governments have Treaty of Utrecht (1713) ended colonial wars for nearly three decades. 49. George Washington Inaugurates War with France By 1754, European countries were competing for world domination by dueling for land in North America. He was a medicine man " as wily as he was influential." He became a prominent Indian leader during the Sioux Was from 1876-1877. One of the leaders of the Sioux tribe. Historical Significance: established England as number one world power and began to gradually change attitudes of the colonists toward England for the worse. Encouraged and armed by their Dutch and English trading partners, the Iroquois sought to expand their territory and monopolize the fur trade and the trade between European markets and Causes of the Seven Years' War. Unit 2: Colonization & Competition (1607-1754) Overview Beginning in 1607, England, France, and Spain all established settlements in North America. Sacajawea . They hurt the French allied Algonquin. What was the significance of King Phillips War? The fall of the city was a turning point for the Allies in the war, and a further . Differences in imperial goals, cultures, and North American environments led these nations to develop diverse patterns of colonization. Treaty of Greenville 1795. Amy Irvine. What caused most conflict between European and natives groups? Mexico was also politically fragmented. The war ended Indian resistance in New England and left a hatred of whites. . Computer science can be described as being concerned with the Beaver Wars. . The Beaver Wars (Mohawk: Tsianì kayonkwere), also known as the Iroquois Wars or the French and Iroquois Wars (French: Guerres franco-iroquoises), encompass a series of conflicts fought intermittently during the 17th century in North America.They were battles for economic dominance throughout the Saint Lawrence River valley in Canada and the lower Great Lakes region which pitted the Iroquois . Learn how to define the Intolerable Acts, review a summary of the tax that led to the . APUSH Name _____ Review Activity #1 Hour _____ Date _____ College Board Concept Outline Period 1: 1491 to 1607 The Concept Outline below presents the required concepts and topics that students need to understand for the APUSH test. European colonization efforts in North America stimulated intercultural contact and intensified conflict between the various groups of colonizers and native peoples. 3. It was at its peak for nearly 250 years, from the early 17th to the mid-19th centuries. 46. James B. Weaver. Historical Significance: established England as number one world power and began to gradually change attitudes of the colonists toward England for the worse. For example, iron awls made the creation of shell beads among the native people of the Eastern Woodlands much easier, and the result was an astonishing increase in the production of wampum, shell beads used in ceremonies and as jewelry and currency.Native peoples had always placed goods in the graves of their departed, and this . The Battle of the Little Bighorn. textbook --> 64-74. Example Definition/Description Significance to the Thesis . APUSH Name _____ Review Activity #2 Hour _____ Date _____ . What were the three features of the new society that developed in the Carolina colony as described at the beginning of Chapter 3? Great Britain, France, and Spain all held various areas in the New World. thirty-fifth president who was a Democrat, the first Catholic president, increased minimum wage, developed a program to reform takes, support education financially, and make the space program increasingly significant, approved the Bay of Pigs invasion, led the United States through the Cuban Missile Crisis, founded the Peace Corps to send American volunteers abroad, and was assassinated by Lee . It was sustained primarily by the trapping of beavers to satisfy the European demand for felt hats. They believed that hard work was the . Beaver Wars - mid-1600s. Chapter 9: The Confederation and the Constitution, 1776-1790 I. French Canada→Colonization Late colonization Edict of Nantes: 1598, granted toleration to French Protestants . King William's War (1689-1697) Queen Anne's War (1702-1713) War of Jenkins (1739-1748) King George's War (1743-1748) These wars were based on mercantilist competition & had little political significance, but… Queen Anne's War was War of Spanish Succession; King George's War was War of Austrian Succession This brought to an end almost a century of hostilities marked by atrocities on both sides. Identify and state the historical significance of the following: Abigail Adams Alexander Hamilton James Madison II. - South: British seek Southern Support (Benedict Arnold), Combined French/American Force defeat Cornwallis at Yorktown - Tactical Failure. Governor Sir William Berkeley, seventy when the crisis began, was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, a frontier Indian fighter, a King's favorite in his first term as Governor in the 1640's, and a playwright and scholar. The Glorious Revolution I think this was a defining factor in Colonial history because even the the majority of the revolution took place in English, the movement away from the RCC, and to a constitutional monarchy . Beaver Wars Summary and Definition: The Beaver Wars (1640 - 1701), also called the French and Iroquois Wars, were terrifying and brutal wars fought by tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy against the French and the Indian tribes who were their allies, including the Huron and Algonquins. Historical Significance for colonization of North America… identify and explain broad trends using BAGPIPE thematic learning objectives, highlight theme Beaver Wars also known as the Iroquois Wars or the French and Iroquois Wars—encompass a series of conflicts fought in the mid-17th century in eastern North America. The Pequot War for APUSH The Pequot War The Pequot War was fought between the Pequot Indians and English colonists of Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut and Plymouth colonies. AP U.S. History IDENTIFICATIONS TO KNOW FOR THE AP EXAM Contact . World Wars between 1688 and 1763 King William's War 1689-1697 What was Queen Anne's War Apush? as a re sult the Beaver Wars where the Iroquois (allied with the English and Dutch) waged war on the Huron and - Middle: Capture Cities, Patriots win a few Key Battles (Saratoga), French Openly Support. This study set covers critical information about the French colonizing effort in New France, from Period 2 of the AP US History curriculum (1607-1754): - French settlement efforts - The relationship between French explorers and native cultures - Differences in France's colonization efforts in the New World - compared with that of Britain and Spain - French colonial society, economy, religion . Helped organize the America Railway Union of about 150,000 members. What was the ecological importance of the fur trade? What factors led to the French settlement of New France? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. (AP) — Long after he was killed, Myrtle Green-Burton wouldn't let anyone wear her 17-year-old son's high school track team jacket. The war was extremely unbalanced with American victories recurring against a technologically disadvantaged Mexican opponent. He is best known for his essay "The Significance of the Frontier in American History", Eugene V. Debs. APUSH Unit II: Colonial America (1607 to 1754) — Room 13. Pequot War - 1637. Correct answer to the question Battle of the war of 1812 Battle, Year, Location, Participants, Outcome, Significance of : Lake Erie Beaver Dams Stoney Creek Secret's Harbour Lundy's Lane - Beaver Wars also known as the Iroquois Wars or the French and Iroquois Wars—encompass a series of conflicts fought in the mid-17th century in eastern North America. . 7 After you complete the slideshow answer the #2 Essential Question-Justify your stance on the Women's Role in society during the 1950's. North America in 1750. Historian, wrote one of the most influential essays ever, The Significance of the Frontier in American History. Battle of . BEIJING — China on Tuesday accused the United States of violating the Olympic spirit by announcing an American diplomatic boycott of February's Beijing Winter Games, amid an increasingly . Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794. During King William's War, the French armed the Hurons and Algonquins; the Iroquois were forced into neutrality. Dutch Exploration and ColonizationOverviewIn the sixteenth century the United Provinces of the Netherlands rose from the status of a Spanish possession to a great European power. Describe the early wars between France and Britain. Beaver Wars. The Clash of Empires Know: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins's Ear, James Oglethorpe, Louisbourg 3. The Pequot War for APUSH The Pequot War The Pequot War was fought between the Pequot Indians and English colonists of Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut and Plymouth colonies. On 21 October 1944, US troops occupied the German city of Aachen after 19 days of fighting. Frederick Jackson Turner (November 14, 1861 - March 14, 1932) was an American historian in the early 20th century. 2.01 What was the Significance of the Seven Years' War? Unit I was just a very brief intro, it only accounts for 5% of the AP exam and will not be a topic for the DBQ or Long Essay. where the Iroquois (allied with the English and Dutch) waged war on the Huron and Algonquin tribes. Fighting along with the English colonists were their Indian allies from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes. King William's War. The chief of the Wampanoags, King Philip lead the natives. APUSH Chapter 26 Vocab Flashcards. Example Definition/Description Significance to the Thesis Beaver Wars Iroquois were defeated. How did the French and Indian War affect the relationship between the colonies and with the mother country? c. How did England attempt to control . He was chosen as the presidential candidate of the Populist party. Know: Beaver, Coureurs de Bois, Voyageurs, Robert de La Salle. 1702-1713-The 2/4 war in the French and Indian wars. War's Fateful Aftermath. Know: Treaty of Paris, Pontiac, Daniel Boone, Proclamation of 1763. There are tons of decks already made with these dates (ex. After the Boston Tea Party, Great Britain passed the Intolerable Acts of 1774 to punish the American colonies. Example Definition/Description Significance to the Thesis Puritan work ethic American Puritans linked material wealth with God's favor. I turned link sharing on so feel free to send to anyone as long as they are decent people. Key Concept 2.2. What factors led to the French settlement of New France? AP US History Chapter 6 The Duel for North America, 1608-1763 Theme: As part of their worldwide rivalry, Great Britain and France engaged in a great struggle for colonial control of North America, culminating in the British victory in the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War) that drove France from the continent. 3/4/16 1 APUSH PERIOD 2: 1607-1754 REVIEWED! Know: Beaver, Coureurs de Bois, Voyageurs, Robert de La Salle 2. APUSH Timeline 2018-2019 Key: Major Topic Minor Topic Important Figure LEQ Evidence (Dumes) Text we go over in class Key Wars Q&A Section/Notes-HELLO EVERYONE IM SURE U ALL KNOW THIS BUT WATCH ADAM NORRIS'S PERIOD REVIEW VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE THEY ARE VERY HELPFUL -UPDATE: We finished! King Phillip's War - 1675-1678 (Metacom) Bacon's Rebellion - 1676 - significance? PERIOD 2: BIG IDEAS ü There were similarities and differences between Spanish, French, English, and Dutch colonization of North America ü The English colonies were largely allowed to govern their own affairs and oftentimes ignored English The following are the key dates to know in the APUSH timeline! The central figures in Bacon's Rebellion were opposites. Beaver Wars. The well-armed warriors at first proved to be a superior force. Rose from unsolved issues in William's war and the war of spanish succession. Beaver wars, Chickasaw wars. A series of wars in the mid-1600s in which the Iroquois, who allied with the English and Dutch, fought the Huron and Algonquin tribes, who were backed by the French. The Iroquois turned to diplomacy with Europeans after 1700 and an uneasy balance of power emerged. significance Seven Years' War (French & Indian War) Washington's Ohio Mission, Ft. Duquesne 2. The wars were fought over land and the monopolization of the fur trade. Fighting along with the English colonists were their Indian allies from the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes. 8. Christopher was integral in esta . In 1875, the discovery of gold in the Black Hills region of South Dakota brought prospective miners into the area and onto the hunting . . Describe the early wars between France and Britain. The Clash of Empires Know: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins's Ear, James Oglethorpe, Louisbourg 3. 47. Define and state the historical significance of the following: War between the Native American tribes of New England and British colonists that took place from 1675-1676. Beaver wars. The Europeans valued beaver pelt hats for warmth and fashionableness. Paxton Boys - 1764. It shows that conflict between the imperial powers touched both sides of the ocean, flaring . Examples: Beaver Wars of the mid-1600s, Chickasaw Wars of the mid-1700s, King William's War (1688-1697), Queen Anne's War (1702-1713), King George's War (1744-1748) Example Definition/Description Pontiac's Rebellion 1763 - significance? A. Why was the Battle of Saratoga such a key to American success in the Revolutionary War? Competition over resources between European rivals led to conflict within and between North American colonial possessions and American Indians. Start studying (APUSH) Ch 3 Vocab. APUSH Period 2: 1607‐1754 Related Thematic Learning Objectives (Focus of Exam Questions) NAT 1.0‐ Explain how ideas about democracy, freedom, and individualism found expression in the development of cultural values, political institutions, and American identity. How did contact between natives and European rivals lead to accommodation? Colonial regions in North America are settled by different European nations -- France, Holland, Spain and . The significance of the war was that it provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America, but disputes over subsequent frontier policy and paying the war's expenses led to colonial discontent, and ultimately to the American Revolution. The French recruited Indians in the fur trade and they went deeper into the heart of the continent in search of beavers. He was a Granger with an apt for public speaking. For each choice, provide a brief rationale. French Canada. Study Tip: Create your own quizlet deck and study these dates! 11. Home. Know: Treaty of Utrecht, War of Jenkins's Ear, James Oglethorpe, Louisbourg. AP US HISTORY Summer Assignment Directions . REFLECTION: On the back of this page rank the top three events or people of the colonial era that you feel were the most significant. 51. Restless Colonials. Beaver Trade is lit French fashion Help from Indians Jesuits→ French missionaries . Battles in the war began in 1636 and What were the long-term effects of trade with the Europeans for the Native Americans? The other, most obvious consequence is that California, New Mexico, Arizona are American states. I. War continues to define the American national politics. Conflicts in . Touching Spirit Bear, by Ben Mikaelson, uses symbols to aid in telling the story of protagonist, Cole's, unexpected journey to self-discovery after he commits a crime and is sentenced to . What was the significance of the British victory in the French and Indian War? AP US History Summer Assignment Mr. Rutschman This work is due the first day of school. The New England colonies, initially settled by Puritans, developed around small towns with family farms and achieved a thriving mixed economy of agriculture and commerce. As white settlers moved into the Great Plains region, they battled the Plains Indian tribes in a series of conflicts known as the Sioux Wars, which lasted from 1854 to 1890. The Chickasaw Wars were fought in the 18th century between the Chickasaw allied with the British against the French and their allies the Choctaws and Illinois Confederation.The Province of Louisiana extended from Illinois to New Orleans, and the French fought to secure their communications along the Mississippi River.The Chickasaw, dwelling in northern Mississippi and western Tennessee, lay . 17 . The Haudenosaunee were permitted to trade freely and to obtain goods from the French at a reduced cost. Christopher has served as an APUSH® exam reader, table leader, exam leader, and question leader. His name and reputation as Governor of Virginia were well respected. You will find the text on the school book. 48. apush 101 Lesson 02.01 Notes.docx - What was the Significance of the Seven Years\u2019 War \u25cf Propaganda information an organization or government sends out to Lesson 02.01 Notes.docx - What was the Significance of the. James Earl Green, an aspiring Olympic runner . AP U.S. History: Unit 1.6 Colonial Wars for North America I. French Canada A. France was late in coming to the New World 1. 50. The Iroquois or Haudenosaunee were a powerful northeast Native American confederacy who lived primarily in Ontario, Canada and upstate New York for well over 4,000 years. The war was the result of tension caused by encroaching white settlers. here), but actually creating the deck is an important step in studying! What were the Beaver Wars an example of? Define or describe the example and explain its significance to the thesis statement directly above the box. The Clash of Empires. 7. Define and give the significance of the following Key Terms: Royal colony Proprietary colony Lord Baltimore John Winthrop Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson Third Anglo-Powhatan War Iroquois "Beaver Wars" Restoration Pequot War King Philip's War William Penn & Quakers Pueblo Revolt Half-Way . MidTerm Review Vocab 12/06/2021 Coureurs de Bois - Beaver hunters came to French men who brought beavers back to France French and Indian War - A war fought by French and English on American soil over control of the Ohio River Valley; English defeated French; established England as number one world power and began to gradually change attitudes of the colonists toward England for the worse . In order to complete the work you must purchase the text, America's History, 8th Edition, by Henretta. Four world wars between 1688 and 1763 1. Colonial Wars APUSH 2017. and beaver skin hats were a staple of the fashionable French gentleman for two centuries. Praying Towns - 1646-1675. The growth of slavery, triangular trade, Enlightenment ideals . APUSH for Independence High School. In addition, King Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic . Was a war fought by French and English on American soil over control of the Ohio River Valley- English defeated French in 1763. England's attention was focused on suppressing rebellions as well as a war with France. Significance: Iroquois, in retaliation, later kept the French from . Dutch ships carried goods throughout the world for virtually every European nation, Dutch merchants and bankers made Amsterdam the economic center of Europe, and the Dutch navy was a power to be reckoned with. Chickasaw Wars - 1700s. Explain the transition of the Revolutionary War/American War of Independence in three phases. d. The Iroquois Confederacy, and in particular the . Beaver Wars of the mid-1600s, Chickasaw Wars of the mid-1700s, King William's War (1688-1697), Queen Anne's War (1702-1713), King George's War (1744-1748) Example Definition/Description APUSH Concept Outline - Period 2 (1607-1754) 3 B. Was a war fought by French and English on American soil over control of the Ohio River Valley- English defeated French in 1763. The fur trade was a vast commercial enterprise across the wild, forested expanse of what is now Canada. DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iran's president said Wednesday that a cyberattack which paralyzed every gas station in the Islamic Republic was designed to get "people angry by creating .