This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Most schools in California have not reopened for in-person learning, and more than 90% of the states 6.3 million public [244] Newsom said, "That's what it was, a genocide. Ron married William Newsoms daughter Barbara, so Nancy Pelosi was Gavin Newsoms aunt by marriage until the couple divorced. Newsom also announced that mitigation policies for the state's estimated 108,000 unsheltered homeless people would be prioritized, with a significant push to move them indoors. "They [Republicans] have been a party of shenanigans that have been very dangerous to our country, to our democracy!" Between 1993 and 2000, Newsom and his investors opened several other businesses that included the PlumpJack Squaw Valley Inn with a PlumpJack Caf (1994), a winery in Napa Valley (1995), the Balboa Caf Bar and Grill (1995), the PlumpJack Development Fund L.P. (1996), the MatrixFillmore Bar (1998), PlumpJack Wines shop Noe Valley branch (1999), PlumpJackSport retail clothing (2000), and a second Balboa Caf at Squaw Valley (2000). [150], As the state opened up, the Los Angeles Times found that new coronavirus hospitalizations in California began accelerating around June 15 at a rate not seen since early April, immediately after the virus began rapidly spreading in the state. Newsom responded to comments by Spicer that compared cannabis to opioids: "Unlike marijuana, opioids represent an addictive and harmful substance, and I would welcome your administration's focused efforts on tackling this particular public health crisis. Not what we hope. The 80-year-old was born in San Francisco, California, and sits on many philanthropic and corporate boards. Assembly Bill 1621 restricts privately manufactured ghost guns, which were found to be linked to over 100 violent crimes in Los Angeles. [139] By April 26, he had issued 30 executive orders under the state of emergency while the legislature had not been in session. Paul Pelosis alleged attacker also targeted Tom Hanks, Hunter Biden, Gavin Newsom, investigator says. [78] Throughout 2016, he joined Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf at the launch of the Oakland Promise and Second Lady Jill Biden and Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti at the launch of the LA Promise. The governor comes from a line of politicians and powerful business executives. Pelosi has a brother named Paul who married Nancy DAlessandro, who then became Nancy Pelosi. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. [137] His statewide order to stay at home became mandatory on March 19. According to Getty, later business investments were because of "the success of the first". [186][183] In August 2020, he addressed the 2020 Democratic National Convention. 62 would get rid of a system "that is administered with troubling racial disparities" and said that the death penalty was fundamentally immoral and did not deter crime. Gavin Newsom promotes using state-owned trailers to house homeless people", "Newsom signs long-awaited bills to increase housing density in California", "Bill Text SB-7 Environmental quality: Jobs and Economic Improvement Through Environmental Leadership Act of 2021", "Newsom signs major bills to increase housing density in urban centers", "California bans mandated parking near transit to fight high housing prices, climate change", "California Gov. [218] The budget passed in June 2019 expanded eligibility for Medi-Cal from solely undocumented minor children to undocumented young adults from ages 19 to 25. He sponsored Proposition B to require Muni and other city departments to develop detailed customer service plans. [135], As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the state continued to rise, on March 15, Newsom urged people 65 and older and those with chronic health conditions to isolate themselves from others. Yes, Gavin Newsom is Nancy Pelosis nephew, the posts begin, falsely drawing that relation between Pelosi and Newsom, the California governor. The choice should be absolutely clear.. [187] On September 23, 2020, Newsom signed an executive order to phase out sales of gasoline-powered vehicles and require all new passenger vehicles sold in the state to be zero-emission by 2035. [238] Newsom also signed a bill which expedites the environmental review process for new multifamily developments worth at least $15,000,000. [178], KXTV released a series of reports chronicling PG&E's liabilities after committing 91 felonies in the Santa Rosa and Paradise fires. The choice should be absolutely clear.. He was elected governor in the 2018 election. Among the bills was the George Floyd Bill, requiring officers to intervene when witnessing excessive force on the part of another officer. Gavin Newsom beats back GOP-led recall", "Gov. Newsom identifies as a practicing Catholic,[250] saying that he has a "strong sense of faith that is perennial, day in and day out". It has challenged his abilities to write, spell, read, and work with numbers. As a San Francisco Supervisor, Newsom gained public attention for his role in advocating reform of the city's municipal railway (Muni). [11][27] The measure passed with 56.6% of the vote. In 1969, Paul and Nancy Pelosi moved to San Francisco, where Pauls brother Ron was a county supervisor. "Progressives and Democrats, nuns and priests, homeless advocates and homeless people were furious", Newsom said. The ballot measure required a background check and California Department of Justice authorization to purchase ammunition, among other gun control regulations. [174], On June 23, 2021, the NPR station CapRadio reported that Newsom and Cal Fire had falsely claimed in January 2020 that 90,000 acres (36,000ha) of land at risk for wildfires had been treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns; the actual treated area was 11,399 acres (4,613ha), an overstatement of 690%. [223], Newsom was criticized in early 2022 for walking back from his support for universal health care and not supporting Assembly Bill 1400, which would have instituted single-payer health care in California; critics suggested that opposition from business interests, which had donated large sums to Newsom and his party, had swayed his opinion. "[58] Some observers noted that polls shifted in favor of Proposition 8 after the commercial's release; this, in turn, led to speculation that Newsom had inadvertently played a role in the amendment's passage. Nancy Pelosis brother-in-law, Ron Pelosi, was married "[211], On June 10, 2021, Newsom called federal Judge Roger Benitez "a stone cold ideologue" and "a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby of the National Rifle Association" after Benitez struck down California's statewide ban on assault weapons. Also in the bills were restrictions on the use of tear gas and a ban on police departments employing officers after misconduct or crimes. The state's voters upheld capital punishment in 2012 and 2016, with the latter measure agreeing to move the condemned to other prisons. [72], Newsom was reelected as lieutenant governor on November 4, 2014, defeating Republican Ron Nehring with 57.2% of the vote. [48], In 2005, Newsom pushed for a state law to allow California communities to create policy restricting certain breeds of dogs. He received 41.9% of the vote to Green Party candidate Matt Gonzalez's 19.6% in the first round of balloting, but he faced a closer race in the December 9 runoff, when many of the city's progressive groups supported Gonzalez. With a recall election of California Governor Gavin Newsom looming, ABC7 Originals presents, "Total Recalled: The story of America's largest, wildest recall election," a look at the Gray Davis recall and election of Arnold Schwarzenegger. [12] Newsom's parents divorced in 1972 when he was a boy. It then [31] He ran as a business-friendly centrist Democrat and a moderate in San Francisco politics; some of his opponents called him conservative. Webis gavin newsom related to nancy pelosi. California Governor Gavin Newsom is not related to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi by blood, but rather by family ties. [239], In 2022, Newsom signed 39 bills into law intended to address California's housing crisis, three of which entailed major land use reform. [11], His father was an advocate for otters and the family had one as a pet. That means for a while, Gavin Newsom was related to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law by marriage, but the familial relation between the two now-powerful Newsom later became an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. Read our California recall election live blog for the very latest news and updates As of April 2021, organizers of theRepublicanrecall effort against him had collected enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot,state electionofficials confirmed. For other inquiries, Contact Us. Edwin M. Lee, the city administrator, took office the day after Newsom was sworn in as lieutenant governor. No other way to describe it. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Barbara Newsom and Ron Pelosi divorced in 1977. Don't count on it, Gov. You cannot deny that. He has claimed that there is no longer a place for a policing tactic "that literally is designed to stop people's blood from flowing into their brain, that has no place any longer in 21st-century practices. Gavin Newsom wins and loses in newly passed California budget", "California expands Medi-Cal to older undocumented immigrants", "California budget deal would boost health care for undocumented immigrants over 50", "California becomes first state to guarantee free health care for all low-income immigrants", "California plans to be abortion sanctuary if Roe overturned", "California governor signs law that makes abortions cheaper", "Why California's Cowardly Democrats Scurried Away From Single-Payer", "Newsom's Big Choice: Single Payer Or His Insurance Donors? Brown appointed him to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors seat vacated by Kevin Shelley in 1997. [35] National Democratic Party figures, including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Jesse Jackson, campaigned for Newsom. [246] With nearly 680,000 Salvadoran immigrants living in California, he said that the "state's relationship with Central America is key to California's future". Starting with Gavin's first-ever campaign in 1998, the Getty family became the second-largest donor of his career, giving Newsom more than a half-million dollars over two decades. [247] He was also concerned about the tens of thousands of Salvadorans who were fleeing the smallest country in Central America for the U.S. each year. [209] Later that year, he responded to the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting by stating his support for the 2nd Amendment and saying he would like national cooperation controlling "weapons of goddamned mass destruction". Pelosi is serving her 17th term in the House of Representatives and is Speaker of the House for the second time. Gavin Newsom stays in power as recall fails", "Gavin Newsom easily wins reelection in California a year after recall", "Newsom names Assemblywoman Shirley Weber to succeed Padilla as California secretary of state", "Harris bursts through another barrier, becoming the first female, first Black and first South Asian vice president-elect", "Alex Padilla Will Replace Kamala Harris in the Senate", "Newsom will wait to announce California AG until Becerra confirmed", "Analysis: Gavin Newsom just tried to shove Dianne Feinstein out the door", "Gavin Newsom vows to name Black woman to Senate if Dianne Feinstein steps down", "Gov. Dealers don't card kids. Newsom could pardon her", "In a rebuke to President Trump, Gov. He was challenged in the election by 13 candidates, including George Davis, a nudist activist, and Michael Powers, owner of the Power Exchange sex club. [267], After his election as governor, Newsom and his family moved into the California Governor's Mansion in Downtown Sacramento and thereafter settled in Fair Oaks. There is a connection between Nancy Pelosis family and Newsoms family, as has reported. [228], A poll found that California voters thought the most important issue for Newsom and the state legislature to work on in 2020 was homelessness. Newsom is the second cousin, twice removed, of musician Joanna Newsom. Newsom was elected lieutenant governor of California in 2010, defeating incumbent Republican Abel Maldonado, and reelected in 2014. [148] That same month, he announced a plan for registered voters to have the option to vote by mail in the November election. To this day, he prefers to interpret documents and reports through audio. [164] The state's unemployment system had been overseen by California Labor Secretary Julie Su, a Newsom appointee, whom President Joe Biden later appointed as deputy secretary of labor in February 2021. [97] Newsom's attendance at a party at The French Laundry in November 2020, despite his public health measures;[98] voter anger over lockdowns, job losses, school and business closures;[99] and a $31 billion fraud scandal at the state unemployment agency[100] were credited for the recall's growing support. Pelosi has made her support for her nephew-by-marriage known. Gavin Newsom pardons 3 in bid to block deportations", "Newsom paroles immigrant, who is immediately detained by ICE", "California Gov. Gavin Newsom have been Brown signs law to plan expansion of computer science education", "Gavin Newsom places his stamp on UC sports policy; it's a start", "University panel adopts expanded student-athlete protections", "Gavin Newsom and a Berkeley Professor Are Trying to Disrupt Public Opinion Polls", "Lt. Gov. [191][192][193] When asked about this development, Newsom said he was unaware of the rate of approvals, and he later fired the head of the Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources. Newsoms parents, William and Tessa were prominent in San Francisco, as William worked as a judge in California. What do California voters think about how Gov. California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he partly blames Fox News for fueling anger toward House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul that led to the attack at their home on Friday. Ive seen the dehumanization of Nancy [18] He is the godfather of designer and model Nats Getty. Newsom signs sweeping police reform bills, will strip badges from officers for misconduct", "Newsom signs law allowing transgender inmates to be placed in prisons according to gender identity", "Gov. "The people will be eloquent and clear, and we will have a great victory for Gavin Newsom tomorrow. [166][167][168] A report by California State Auditor Elaine Howle said $810 million was disbursed to claimants who had fraudulently filed on behalf of inmates in the state's prison system. The move also led to the withdrawal of the state's current lethal injection protocol and the execution chamber's closure at San Quentin State Prison. Nancys face [47], During a strike by hotel workers against a dozen San Francisco hotels, Newsom joined UNITE HERE union members on a picket line in front of the Westin St. Francis Hotel on October 27, 2004. In 2016, Newsom supported Proposition 62, which also would have repealed the death penalty in California. [254] Guilfoyle gained prominence in 2011 via a Fox News chat show. Gavin Newsom Suspends Death Penalty in California", "California governor on halting executions: "It's a racist system. He is a fourth-generation San Franciscan. "[146], In early May, Newsom announced that certain retailers could reopen for pickup. [183] In February 2020, the Newsom administration sued federal agencies over the rollbacks to protect imperiled fish in the SacramentoSan Joaquin River Delta in 2019. We explain", "Gavin Newsom recall, Governor of California (20192021)", "The origin of the Newsom recall had nothing to do with COVID-19. Newsom makes big changes in first 100 days", "Gov. Although immigrant rights groups wanted Newsom to end policies allowing the transfer to federal agents, the refugee was turned over for possible deportation upon release. [31], Newsom was sworn in as mayor on January 3, 2004. Newsom earned between $141,000 and $251,000 in 2007 from his business interests. [32] He pledged to continue working on San Francisco's homelessness issue. [141][142] His administration outlined key indicators for altering his stay-at-home mandate, including the ability to closely monitor and track potential cases, prevent infection of high-risk people, increase surge capacity at hospitals, develop therapeutics, ensure physical distancing at schools, businesses, and child-care facilities, and develop guidelines for restoring isolation orders if the virus surges. [207][208], As lieutenant governor in 2016, Newsom was the official proponent of Proposition 63. [91], On February 11, 2015, Newsom announced that he was opening a campaign account for governor in the 2018 elections, allowing him to raise funds for a campaign to succeed Brown as governor of California. He claimed the initiative would save California millions of dollars, citing statistics that California had spent $5 billion since 1978 to execute just 13 people.[74]. [242] In a signing ceremony for the latter two bills, Newsom warned local governments, which have a history of blocking and delaying housing developments, that they would be held accountable for future housing obstructionism. [81], In December 2015, Newsom called on the University of California to reclassify computer science courses as a core academic class to incentivize more high schools to offer computer science curriculum. [15] Newsom's annual income was greater than $429,000 from 1996 to 2001. He has reflected on his education fondly, crediting Santa Clara's Jesuit approach with helping him become an independent thinker who questions orthodoxy. Newsom provided state funds to pay for protective measures such as hotel room lodging for hospital and other essential workers fearing returning home and infecting family members. [117] Though a 2021 poll by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies and co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Times suggested declining support for the death penalty among California's voters,[116][118] Republican opponents criticized Newsom's moves to halt capital punishment in California as defiance of the will of voters, and capital punishment advocates said they denied closure to murder victims' families. [15], Tessa Newsom worked three jobs to support Gavin and his sister Hilary Newsom Callan. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. [184][185], Newsom attended the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit, where he spoke of California as a climate leader due to the actions of governors before him. [29][37] He ran on the slogan "great cities, great ideas", and presented over 21 policy papers. In high school, he played basketball and baseball and graduated from Redwood High School in 1985. [152][153] Enforcement would be up to business owners, as local law enforcement agencies view non-compliance as a minor infraction. As part of the initiative, 5,000 more homeless people were given permanent shelter in the city. [85][86], Newsom released his first book, Citizenville: How to Take the Town Square Digital and Reinvent Government, on February 7, 2013. "[245], Newsom's first international trip as governor was to El Salvador. [132] The emergency declaration allowed state agencies to more easily procure equipment and services, share information on patients and alleviated restrictions on the use of state-owned properties and facilities. [204][205][206], Newsom used a larger than normal number of executive orders during the 2020 legislative session. [3][16][56], During the 2008 election, Newsom opposed Proposition 8, the ballot initiative to reverse the Supreme Court of California ruling that there was a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. The pair reportedly met on a blind date set up by a mutual friend at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in October 2006. [15][16] His father's finances were strapped in part because of his tendency to give away his earnings. What do California voters think about how Gov. Nancy Pelosis 82-year-old husband was attacked by an intruder with a hammer last week at their San Francisco home. The two politicians have had far more occasions to cross paths in their political careers than they would have had at family reunions. ", "California moves to dismantle nation's largest death row", "Support for the death penalty is declining in California, poll shows", "She faces deportation after shooting her husband. [196][197][198] In April 2021, Newsom committed to ending the sale of gas leases by 2024 and ending oil extraction by 2045. The one-week delay was to ensure that a successor as mayor of San Francisco was chosen before he left office. To replace Padilla as secretary of state, Newsom appointed Assemblywoman Shirley Weber. ", "Budget, Repeats and Caution: Why Gov. Gavin Newsom. On that same night, President Biden showed his support for Newsom at a Long Beach rally and compared Newsom's top competitor, Larry Elder, to former president Donald Trump. [15] Newsom gave a monthly $50 gift certificate to PlumpJack employees whose business ideas failed, because in his view, "There can be no success without failure. That means for a while, Gavin Newsom was related to Nancy Pelosi's brother-in-law by marriage, but the familial relation between the two now-powerful Democrats was even more distant. [42], The San Francisco Chronicle declared in August 2007 that Newsom faced no "serious threat to his re-election bid", having raised $1.6 million for his reelection campaign by early August. Williams sister Belinda Barbara Newsom married Ron V. Pelosi in 1956 and established the tie between the families. He vowed that the city would boycott the hotels by not sponsoring city events at them until they agreed to a contract with workers. [160][161], In January 2021, the Los Angeles Times reported that Newsom's administration had mismanaged $11.4 billion by disbursing unemployment benefits to ineligible claimants, especially those paid through the federally funded Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program. [25] He faced no opposition in his 2002 reelection bid. A few days after California Gov. [7] Newsom was elected to a second term in the 2022 election. Critics of Newsom, who has served as governor since 2019, have reacted furiously to his shutdowns of the state. You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or youll get Donald Trump, Biden said. [40], When the August 10, 2007, filing deadline passed, San Francisco's discussion shifted to talk about Newsom's second term. Its not a joke. In an interview with The San Francisco Chronicle, his sister recalled Christmases when their mother told them they would not receive any gifts. On September 13, 2021, the eve of the California recall deadline, the House Speaker and San Francisco Mayor London Breedstopped at a "Vote No" campaign location in the Mission District. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. [23][24] He was elected to a full four-year term to the board in 1998. [29], Newsom's signature achievement as a supervisor was a voter initiative called Care Not Cash (Measure N), which offered care, supportive housing, drug treatment, and help from behavioral health specialists for the homeless in lieu of direct cash aid from the state's general assistance program. Newsom has been married to actress and filmmaker Jennifer Siebel since 2008. He had originally put the property up for sale in early 2019 for $5.895 million, but removed the property from the market after a price reduction to $5.695 million.[270]. ", Mayor Breed added in: "For those of you who were just walking by and thought 'I just wanted to see what was going on,' well you know what was going on? ", Mayor Breed added in: "For those of you who were just walking by and thought 'I just wanted to see what was going on,' well you know what was going on? Nancy and Paul have five children and nine grandchildren. Email us at or call 212 416 4552. [79][80] In June 2016, Newsom helped secure $15 million in the state budget to support the creation of promise programs throughout the state. The PlumpJack Group grew to manage 23 businesses, including wineries, restaurants and hotels. [140], On April 28, Newsom, along with the governors of Oregon and Washington, announced a "shared approach" for reopening their economies. [190] In November 2019, he imposed a moratorium on approval of new hydraulic fracturing and steam-injected oil drilling in the state until the permits for those projects could be reviewed by an independent panel of scientists. He also called on bars and brewery and winery tasting rooms to close their doors to patrons. Newsom facing a recall? Copyright 2023 KGO-TV. The contract dispute was settled in September 2006. [134] He also directed local school districts to make their own decisions on school closures, but used an executive order to ensure students' needs would be met whether or not their school was physically open. [199] In October 2021, he proposed a 3,200-foot (980m) buffer between new fossil fuel extraction sites and densely populated areas. He gained national attention in 2004 when he directed the San Francisco citycounty clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, violating the state law passed in 2000. [257] Newsom admitted the affair the next day and apologized to the public, saying he was "deeply sorry" for his "personal lapse of judgment". [155] In a regular press conference on July 13 as he was ordering the reinstatement of the shutdown of bars and indoor dining in restaurants, he said, "We're seeing an increase in the spread of the virus, so that's why it's incumbent upon all of us to recognize soberly that COVID-19 is not going away any time soon until there is a vaccine or an effective therapy".[151]. Republicans ] have been very dangerous to our democracy! language links at. Board of Supervisors seat vacated by Kevin Shelley in 1997 visit our Syndication site a pet Newsoms family, lieutenant... Part of the House for the second time helping him become an independent thinker who questions orthodoxy but rather family. Of News Group Newspapers Limited Nancy Pelosis family and Newsoms family, as lieutenant governor family Newsoms. 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