Heres what we found by looking at some of the bell weathers across a variety of industries: While Wall Street has a reputation for being a bit on the conservative side, these banks are highly politically diverse with almost all firms hovering around a 50/50 split between the two parties. In the authors' view, this is good news for SBS as a . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. campaign, which highlighted the presence of the invisible discriminator. Despite its relative success as a socially cohesive society, Australia is seen to have a poor global reputation on race relations compared to other English-speaking Western democracies. for the few employees who do have differing views. In the US over a 10 year period, the top 50 companies for diversity outperformed the Standard & Poors 500 Index by 25.8% and the NASDAQ by 28%. A good reminder on this topic and all topics in the workplace. Many of you would have had delicious lunches in your workplace; you might have might have encouraged workers to dress up in their ancestral costumes or do something to express their cultural heritage. Today Id like to talk about cultural diversity in the workplace about the case for embracing cultural diversity. This cookie is set by Google and stored under the name But if we are in the business of challenging power, or if we find it necessary to ask people to think about privilege, there may be times when disruption might be necessary. Explain how diverse political, social, economic and cultural factors impact on work and the lives of people in society. You might say well maybe its a bit unfair if we are just look at Departmental Secretaries; if we were to look the rung below, perhaps we might find a different, more positive, encouraging picture. Avoid making comments that generalize or inflame: Anyone who votes for insert candidate name here> is backward thinking, socialist, selfish, evil, etc. Avoid harmful language even when talking among more like minded coworkers. And its one that can be summed up in three words: empathy, power, privilege. Equality and freedom are not culturally specific they are are universal values. What about the private sector? ; Philippens H.M.M.G. The image that Australia wants to project of being the most successful multicultural country in the world is shattered by a simple look at Australias parliament. Those of Asian cultural background over the last three decades or so have been readily identified as part of a model minority stereotype. It wont come as a shock to anyone. Numerous features of diversity in Australia have a profound effect on several aspects of life and work: Traditional and social multiculturalism: It variety refers to the various aspects in which individuals within a same civilization differ from one another. If political opinions arent ever discussed and mutually respected, than assumptions are made that can lead to a hostile environment where one set of political ideals governs the workplace. In the Financial Times, there was a report about a study by the American Sociological Association which found that every 1% rise in gender ethnic diversity results in a 3-9% rise in the sales revenue. Picture the law-abiding, hardworking family with studious, obedient children. Diversity is incredibly important in the workforce because it demonstrates capabilities from different types of people. How, for example, do you identify prejudice and discrimination when were talking about promotion or advancement? Since 1945, almost seven million people have migrated to Australia. Economists from Stanford University and the University of Chicago recently finalised some research looking at labour productivity in the United States from 1960 to 2008 and they found that 20% of productivity growth over that time can be attributed to a reduction in racial discrimination. The combination of different ideas from different backgrounds has made America the greatest country in the world its not too late to leverage this same strength in the workplace. The teams interactions could then morph from friendly political debates into high rates of conflict due to negative feelings about each other, thereby leading to poorer team performance. For more information, call us today at 1-800-413-8006 or contact us online. This cookie is set by to enable sharing of links on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. the most successful multicultural country in the world, discrimination experienced by international students, weaponisation of narratives around racism, claims that cohesive liberal democracies require homogeneity, Markets and resilience in the face of economic coercion, When a middle power is not caught in the middle, India's nuclear doctrine should no longer be taken for granted, Dark days for Honiara in the shadow of geopolitics, The intrusion of domestic politics in Kashmir tensions. Had the proposals to repeal 18C gone through, I feared that would have licensed people to vent racial prejudice and hatred more openly, not only in public places or in neighbourhoods, but in workplaces as well. Knowing how each side of the argument will respond will only benefit business leaders, as they can prepare to deal with the inevitable reactions that people will have and mediate conflict, if necessary. In a nutshell, political diversity is a system that fulfills the political interests of all parties involved. While you should keep political diversity in mind when thinking about diversity as a whole at your business, supporting political diversity should never be taken as support for any form of intolerance or discrimination. If we were to think though about why embracing or being explicit about celebrating diversity matters, I think we can put it in the following terms: it is about capturing talent, it is about boosting innovation, it is about encouraging productivity. Perhaps most pertinent to all of us here today, theres another scene, involving an interview. The underrepresentation of cultural and linguistic diversity in Australian politics is apparent across communities, but particularly stark for Asian Australians. This recommendation comes with some risk, and definitely will need to be accompanied by some guidelines, but can help to foster a work environment where everyone feels respected and included. There are three additional parts to these groups, age, sex, and arbitrary set (PSU, 2019). It can also help build a stronger and more resilient workforce that can weather any external political climate. This can be connected to the belief system that is typically seen from the Republican Party. Cultural diversity is often publicly promoted as part of Australia's DNA. Equality and freedom are not culturally specific they are are universal values. Identify one way to improve your self-awareness.The improvement you identify here must be related to working with diverse people/children, such as speaking my mind but choosing my words carefully so I do not offend anyone. Let me speak now about the responses that can be made to all of this and some of the work we do at the Australian Human Rights Commission. Quite often, it is going to be subtle. Journal of Business Diversity,18(1). And how are we to explain that persistence of such under representation of cultural diversity? Two of these companies, Etsy and HubSpot, lack republican representation entirely. For example, diverse individuals that come together to form a close knit community (LGBTQ+) can change the course of discriminatory actions (like Trumps). This situation can happen for a variety of unintended reasons, such as known executive opinion or local political leanings. and may the data send to 3rd party for analysis and reporting to help their clients better understand user preferences. yes this is a right statement basically it is related to the politicians anly but we have also right to know about politics that is what is going on which related to politics in our society and we try to adcive or give some impotant suggestion to the society our some big politicians about what is the main our actual neccessary work which is benificial to the society.. My dad wants to be up to date with the latest happenings in the government. From manufacturing to mom-and-pop diners, every business has been affected by some of the events that have occurred in the last two years. Also, employees with different political affiliations may have different approaches to problem-solving, allowing them to offer some invaluable insights. This data suggests that both well-developed and high growth tech companies have a long way to go in terms of political diversity. The purpose of the cookie is to identify a visitor to serve relevant advertisement. Well go with mutual respect.. It also affects the ways organizations understand that employees holding diverse perspectives elevate the need to reduce conflicts among employees belonging to diverse identity groups. The impact of diversity in the workplace is largely positive, bringing different viewpoints into the organization and broadening the company's perspective. It is an unfortunate common view that politics is unrelated to everyday life. I make this point of comparison here very deliberately, because I think in our conversations about diversity and inclusion, sometimes there isnt much oxygen left for a conversation about race after we have a conversation about gender. I agree with you 100%. It affects the business and lives of individuals. This cookie is set by Google Analytics and is used to distinguish users and sessions. Aren't these collective differences what we strive to engage in our quest to create a diverse workforce? With increased understanding and mutual respect, employees will be able to better understand the world around them, the culture your business operates in, and how to work with the people they see everyday. No problem! There is a powerful symbolism in improved political representation. People with varying religious beliefs, cultural identities, and sexual orientations can be found throughout the workforce of almost every business in America. for the purpose of better understanding user preferences for targeted advertisments. One of the most gleeful moments, for me anyway, in the US mid-term elections was Kim Daviss loss. Individuals can work in harmony when they accommodate various social, political, economic, and cultural perspectives. It may sound trite, but you cant be what you cannot see. For example, more diversity can result in increased employee engagement and reduced turnover, as employees who feel included, accepted, and valued are happier and more engaged. Well, based on an exercise I did in 2014, of the 64 Deputy Secretaries in the Australian Public Service at the time, there were only a handful of those with non-European backgrounds. The inscriptions on one side say, The world is for us to share and respect. On the other side, it says, To be renovative and integrate. There are other plaques there which have the words liberty and democracy inscribed on them. But if we were to look at the positive stereotypes or evaluations that we make, we may find them to be double-edged in nature. A Management Approach to LGBT Employment: Diversity, Inclusion and Respect. That is a real pity. If an employee breaches this expectation of mutual respect, leaders should be ready to discuss the issue with the employee immediately. While LGBT groups have been around for a while now, its important to remember how much influence such social identities will have on politics. More than 5% of New Zealand parliamentarians have Asian heritage, as do 12.8% of Canadian MPs and 3.8% of members of the US Congress. And for me, unconscious biases cannot be separated from broader social attitudes that we may have about our cultural diversity. While most would know Labor Senator Penny Wong, there are few Asian-Australian federal MPs and not a single Asian-Australian federal minister. Do you think this candidate really has the right fit? Now, so far as stereotypes go, you might think this is pretty benign. People are now interested in the research behind how inclusive and diverse a certain company is and whether it would be a place where one could feel like part of a social identity that is relating to their personal identity. If you had a Middle-Eastern sounding name, you needed to apply 64 more times to be invited to interview. The cookie is created when the JavaScript library executes and there are no existing __utma cookies. If a discussion begins to move away from a respectful exchange and starts to feel personal or like an attack, put an end to the conversation in a calm manner and walk away. This cookie is used to measure the number and behavior of the visitors to the website anonymously. Also, one group can help another social group to empower and grow. Let me ask you: is that enough? Retaining Long-Term Employees 3. We dont, for example, need to conduct a radical experiment in the form what John Howard Griffin, an American journalist in the 1950s, did. It's an unfortunate view because politics is about life. Or are the things that youre doing designed more to mollify our own feelings than to tackle the real challenges brought up by diversity? This group is estimated to have around 12 million people and thus is a hot topic in politics. A nation is a people, an entity, a concept; all of which are about more than a country as defined politically, but about us and our lives. We should be clear that empathy doesnt require us to do an exercise of impersonation. These feelings of isolation can lead to unhappiness and hurt your employer brand. It is a sort of 'hetero-nationalism' (Comaroff, 1996) which attempts to accommodate cultural diversity within a European-style nation state. If we are not honest about that, we will not get anywhere. The Director of Learning and Impact Strategies is a member of the URI senior management team and collaborates closely with the Global Programs and the Partnerships and Violence Prevention Teams to . No single candidate or party is right or wrong all of the time. The share of people of color in the United States is increasing; more women are entering the labor force; and gay* and transgender. Its an unfortunate view because politics is about life. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. For example, more diversity can result in increased employee engagement and reduced turnover, as employees who feel included, accepted, and valued are happier and more engaged. The cookie is set by Google Analytics. The cookie is set by A central part of our educational work involves the National Anti-Racism Strategy, which has been running since 2012 and which aims to empower Australians to speak out against prejudice and discrimination. One example, noted by the authors of the paper, is a study which found left-wing managers hire and promote women more frequently and pay them more fairly than do right-wing managers. If you think of the source countries of our migration at the moment, the two biggest source countries are now India and China. The combination of different ideas from different backgrounds has made America the greatest country in the world its not too late to leverage this same strength in the workplace. And I think this is part of the difficulty we have with having a conversation about cultural diversity and leadership. Although many companies have faced increased pressure to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace, a lack of diverse hiring teams, limited recruiting processes that fail to reach a broad candidate pool, and unconscious similarity biases have contributed to many companies continued struggle to improve diversity in their workplace. In the spirit of fostering a productive diverse and inclusive workplace it is good practice to expect and model tolerance of employee political opinion. While people typically think of diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender, these may not be the only areas of diversity where businesses are falling short. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. But I also would like to challenge you about how you should deal with cultural diversity, because too often we think of diversity as just being about festivals, about being about lunches or maybe an event or two that we should have in our workplace to celebrate our diversity and show how inclusive we are. It is common knowledge that migration has had a positive economic, social and cultural impact on Australia. While people typically think of diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender, these may not be the only areas of diversity where businesses are falling short. Her job description was quite simple: issue marriage licences thats it. A. which reported that inclusive teams outperformed their less inclusive peers by 80% in terms of business performance shows that there is a significant business case for diversity as well. Growth Of Work Opportunities Whats Next for the #Quiet Hashtag Trend? Pharmaceuticals, Food & Beverage, Consumer Goods, Heavy Industrial, Pipe, Steel & Heavy Equipment. Why? We have 226 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate, but only a handful of those 226 come from non-European backgrounds. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Harmony Day, 21 March, happens to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Next, we focus on sex. However, this is not always necessarily the case. No matter how your employees vote, your companys ultimate goal should be to foster a culture of respect and inclusion by acknowledging an individuals right to his or her own opinion while also ensuring that all views that are expressed are respectful of all people. Heres what the Police Commander of the Sharpeville township said, a Mr D H Pienaar: he said it started when hordes of natives surrounded the police station. Where an organisation is able to manage its cultural diversity and be inclusive, it is more likely to reduce the cost of staff turnover, more likely to minimise legal and compliance risks, more likely to negotiate any negative publicity that may arise from mismanaging a case involving diversity. The panel will be moderated by the ABC journalist Kumi Taguchi. The quality of life enhances when people belonging to diverse social groups are accepted and treated equally. Hayden was interview Answered over 90d ago 100 % The process guarantees its owners to participating in the decision making process in policies that affect their political, social, and economical life. Do you think they really have the right fit? While the leadership of President Obama lead us to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2010, it was quickly reversed under the leadership of President Trump (Zugelder, M . The cookie is created when the JavaScript library executes and there are no existing __utma cookies. Many of you will be familiar with this example: all the qualifications were identical, they involved people who were born in Australia (so can be assumed to have mastery of the English language). Of course, among those employees identifying as Red or Blue, there are a great many shades of Purple. To be a patriot is to love yourself and where you came from. In a 2018 study conducted during my term at the Australian Human Rights Commission, we found only about 3 per cent of the federal ministry and 5 per cent of members of Federal Parliament had a non-European or Indigenous background. Explain how social diversity and cultural diversity contributed to these difficulties? Could you really imagine them managing this piece of work? We barely see any diversity within the highest levels of politics and government. The cookie is used to enable interoperability with urchin.js which is an older version of Google analytics and used in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine new sessions/visits. And to be politically conscious is to care about your life. If we are talking about a country that still takes in a significant number of immigrants every year, where almost half that population is first or second generation, then this diversity isnt likely to diminish in any way. It is not about fairness alone. It is essential to push back against illiberal nationalism by demonstrating Australias multicultural liberal democracy delivers freedom and equality for all, regardless of citizens cultural background. We aggregated data from the political donation information to see how businesses from different industries and categories stack up in terms of political diversity. The election will be over soon but you will be working with this person long after the votes have been cast. Theres a negative case too if we can call it that for thinking about cultural diversity in the workplace. Ethnic, lifestyle choices, faith, dialect, preferences, and interests are all examples of social diversity. Could you really imagine them as a leader? Leaders in the workplace need to make crystal clear to their employees that when discussing various political situations or opinions, mutual respect must be exercised at all times. While companies have shifted a lot of focus on promoting a sense of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, there are inevitable changes that come with politics. Of the 81 Departmental Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries in Canberra, less than 5% come from non-European backgrounds. with allegiance to Australia and a sense of national unity which cuts across ethnic groups. Which all goes back to some of those questions that I posed at the outset involving our imaginary, invisible discriminator. The lack of diversity in Australian politics has been apparent for years. Ultimately, talented people come from all backgrounds this includes racial, ethnic, and even political backgrounds. However, it can lead to a lack of a cohesive corporate culture. If you were to switch on A Current Affair or Today Tonight, you would frequently see stories featuring fuzzy CCTV footage of long-haired Asian gangs running amuck on John Street. It is what makes America great a melting pot of combined differences that ultimately seek the greater good for all. Its almost certain your political leanings affect the way you, too, perform your work. Australia likes to see itself as punching above its weight as a middle power, but this boast does not hold true when it comes to the representation of cultural diversity in politics. Which of the following statements are true about the impacts of diversity in the political, social and cultural work and life in Australia, including the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders? Which interest do you serve as a Human Resources professional or diversity and inclusion practitioner? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Retrieved from, Zugelder, M., & Champagne, P. (2018). Republican representation is particularly lacking at these companies. Theres also a positive case. The combination of different ideas from . Generally speaking, migrants and refugees show strong resilience and adaptability to new challenges and surroundings. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. Lowy Institute. Sixty-nine people were killed, more than 100 people were injured. This cookie is set bu It was explained here that society changes according to politics. Social diversity helps individuals to know the different beliefs and needs of others in the workplace and society. Its vitally important that business leaders understand how these events will affect their employees and the possible responses from either side of the debate. Not by our parents, but by a government that has decided that we need social direction and decency, by their standards, can only come if theres a risk of a few lashes. These laws imposed on us, especially the generation that knows nothing but this Inqaz government, shaped us and changed us, not as individuals but as a society. Certainly, Im of the view that managing cultural diversity should not be relegated to an afterthought in these conversations. Lets consider as well our universities and the senior leadership of our universities. Quite often, it begins with just asking people about their experiences and listening. In addition to our Racism. This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. From a political perspective, its almost certain left-wingers, when given the option to do so, would mostly choose to work with left-wingers, even though theyre unlikely to be consciously aware theyre making such a decision. This action can be used to dominant those higher in the social ladders. B a) Cross-cultural training improves workplace relationships and team effectiveness. If they do these things, they must learn their lessons the hard way.. Politically motivated conversations in the workplace should never come at the expense of others. It is an unfortunate common view that politics is unrelated to everyday life. Striking 'Hike' In Productivity 2. All for decency, I presume, and ironic indeed. Ive been speaking a lot to people in corporate Australia about cultural diversity and leadership and it has been said to me that sometimes the worst response a young professional can make when they had been passed over for a promotion is to jump to the conclusion that they may just need to work a little harder. The advertisements were aired to raise awareness about the harms of racism against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Cleanr theme by WPShoppe. She made international news as someone who let her religious (and, by default, her political) views influence her work. Deciding that he wanted to understand racial segregation, Griffin, a white American, underwent ultraviolent treatments and began taking drugs in order to turn his fair skin into a darker pigmentation. Receive an answer explained step-by-step. Be the person who says: I respect your right to have a different view than me. Ive spoken to some who have suggested to me that if youre really serious about diversity and inclusion, you cant put your faith in human resources, at least in human resources alone. The purpose of the cookie is to enable LinkedIn functionalities on the page. When I try to analyse the African political climate, I see that most of the African countries are suffering due to their greedy politicians. Personal identity is based on your inherent identifying factors such as age, sex, gender, race, and experience (Gruman, 2017). The economic impact continues to increase over time particularly as humanitarian migrants settle into life in Australia, finish education/retraining and enter the labour force. Identify one of your social perspectives, and cultural perspectives and briefly explain how it affects your work as a teacher's aide/assistant in the classroom? In 1975, the Racial Discrimination Act came into force, making discrimination in different parts of public life against the law. Their reasons for backing a particular candidate are likely as varied as yours. features of diversity in Australia and how this impacts different areas of work and life: political social economic cultural legal and ethical considerations (international, national, state/territory, local) for working with diversity, how these impact individual workers, and the consequences of breaches: discrimination: - age - disability - This entry was posted on Thursday, October 3rd, 2019 at 1:19 am and is filed under Uncategorized. To date, weve had organisations from corporate Australia and higher education and sport, from local government, to name but a few areas, come on board. This cookie is associated with Quantserve to track anonymously how a user interact with the website. Diverse economic, political, cultural, and social factors affect the work and lives of individuals in society in different ways. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. Regardless of policy or personal discretion, eventually we find ourselves aware of some co-workers views or find ourselves dying to share our own. This button displays the currently selected search type. Political diversity in the workplace is all but unavoidable in 2021. Lets return quickly to that ANU study involving resumes, which found that people with Chinese sounding names or Middle-Eastern sounding names suffered from ostensible discrimination. Recent complaints from conservative employees about liberal bias at their companies suggest that there may be a lack of political diversity in certain industries as well. Political diversity can become a strength through the conversations employees have with each other about their own beliefs. For any reason. Are you doing enough? They found that they compared to the 10% or so of the Australian community with an Asian background, only 1.9% of executive managers and 4% of directors have Asian cultural origins. What is exactly the role of Human Resources professionals in all of this? This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. New Zealand and Canada have about the same percentage of the population with Asian ancestry, but in terms of political representation, Australia does far worse than other English-speaking Western democracies. Nursing questions and answers. from conservative employees about liberal bias at their companies suggest that there may be a lack of political diversity in certain industries as well. For many situations, context is required in order for leadership to recognize breaches of mutual respect and have the ability to comment. Her religious ( and, by default, her political ) views influence her work their reasons for backing particular. Champagne, P. ( 2018 ) by default, her political ) views influence her work its almost certain political. 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