Speckled and black We have a moderate sized herd of Speckle Park cattle. Temple Mount is the most dependable source of speckle park cattle for sale in North Victoria. Speckle Park cattle are noted for tender, choice-grading beef of exceptional quality. Photo: Hannah Powe And "Park" was obvious because some of the animals . Hide Sold 1. Can be bucket fed - very tame. Built using WordPress and Materialis Theme. Our selection has been based on the following criteria. As established breeders of Speckle Park cattle, Laiton and Eric have first-hand experience in Speckle Park genetics. exit( __('Sorry, you are not allowed to access this file directly. For sale speckle park cows heifers and calves 2 x 2 years old with calves at foot bull calves will be marked 1 x 2 year old heifer Healthy and ., 1309011028 . padding: 5px 0px; Speckle Parks are docile animals. We have grown our stud to become one of the largest Speckle Park Studs in Australia . $2200 sold 4 yr old x bred cow. Good loading facilities Pic MGDL0305 $1400 each, We have a Stud Speckle Park bull available for hire from early July The females produce rich milk in abundance, weaning strong calves well suited for beef development or grass raised beef programs. calves will calve with ease Very little colour all cows present solid feet and legs clear eyes Good large . color: #FFFFFF !important; #rps { Our wonderful bull, Pretender has now been sold to Tungamah Speckle Park Stud in Western Australia. . Unlike most other countries, Canadas Minister of Agricultural and through the Animal Pedigree Act insist on anyone trying to start a new breed have to go through stringent protocol procedures to have the breed declared a DISTINCT BREED. Milky Way Speckle Park Stud is now based in the lush, rolling hills of Korumburra, South Gippsland, Victoria. Their 1950's Angus. We got them with the intention of selling at around 6 months but Ive struggled to part with them. Copyright 2007-2023 Gumtree IP Aus Holding Ltd. All Rights Reserved. float: none !important; Category. border-radius: 5px; F1 SPECKLE PARK/ FRIESIAN HEIFERS 10 -12 MONTHS. Founded by Rose Hill and Kikiamah Studs, the sale showcases cattle from a limited number of hand picked vendors who work together to consistently improve the sale offering and Speckle Park breed. They are tough, real tough, you can throw any harsh climatic situation at them and they survive, get back in calf, rear a good one, yet are so easy to feed and come back in condition quickly after hard times, traits that will stand them in good stead in Australians harsh environment. Waratah are breeders of Speckle Park bulls, females, embryos, semen and Brahckles. He is the first Speckle Park in WA & is destined to bea leading sire for this exciting breed. background:transparent !important; Another IMPRESSIVE fact about the Speckle Park is their UNIQUE ability of being able to achieve a AAA carcass without excess outer fat cover. ISP Irish Speckle Park Cattle Society New: List Of Society Memebrs Sires Cows Cows & Calves Calves Looking for Something Special Then Look For Speckle Park Follow Us on Facebook "A Balanced Breed with a Color Bonus" Social Feed - Create your own for free! .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p a, .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p a:link, .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p a:visited { In 1993 Agriculture Canada granted approval for the Canadian Speckle Park Association to become incorporated under the terms of the Canadian Animal Pedigree Act for the purpose developing Speckle Park cattle as an evolving breed. These elite stud females consist of show winners from the Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney Royal shows. height: 50px; Quiet heifer. Speckle Park cattle & their crosses have been . Typically, there are bulls and females for sale at the Open Day with prices starting at $5000. $1300 1 jersey friesian cross heifer. Beaudesert breeder Matt Tame has exceptional results over AuctionsPlus in February, selling a line of 59 Santa Gertrudis-cross heifers pregnancy-test-in-calf to Speckle Park bulls. There have already been some exceptional results through the saleyards, online and in private sales this year, with strong prices for weaners - both steers and heifers - and some record-breaking results with older cows. Twenty-four performance bulls are among the offering at Te Mooi Speckle Park's March 3 sale. Conformation Our Open Day is held on the last Saturday in August each year. .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p a:hover { It takes no time at all to update and you benefit from; The 26-month-old was sired by Spots 'N' Sprouts Stands Alone and out of Three Way Gracelands, and was artificially inseminated to LLG 33E. The cattle have incredible performance and are so quiet, even our agent was very impressed with their docility., Eric: (02) 6779 1069 } We are proud of our cattle and enjoy giving herd tours year-round. Spectacular Speckle Park . ER of Texas Little Elm (Little Elm) donated gift cards for Having bred Speckle Park cattle for over ten years we have accumulated a vast knowledge and impressive inventory of Speckle Park AI Sires. Rarely, there are some animals born with red markings. Fish Creek Farm has their own High Quality Meat Brand and will be happy to Partner with our customers and negotiate a buy back agreement, because Speckle Park Cross cattle are fast becoming the most consistent performers in Australias meat processing. The first daughter of the $68,000 world record bull Wattle Grove Paperboy P503 was purchased by Ivery Downs Cattle Co, Colinton, Qld, via Elite Livestock Auctions. Talk to Alex and Natalie about running an ET program specifically tailored to your requirements. } .jdGallery .slideElement { White, 2 years old. Make great mother bull in pics, 4 speckle park x friesian calves 3 heifers and 1 bull will be marked in next week or so. He is now retired from the Show Ring and ready to make an impact in your herd. Gestation length. Grass fed only. border: 0 !important; ASPA is newly founded in 2021. at birth and wean off at about 230kgs. 2 x 2 years old with calves at foot (bull calves will be marked) else{document.documentElement.className+=' avia_desktop '};document.documentElement.className+=' js_active ';(function(){var e=['-webkit-','-moz-','-ms-',''],n='';for(var t in e){if(e[t]+'transform' in document.documentElement.style){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform ';n=e[t]+'transform'};if(e[t]+'perspective' in document.documentElement.style){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform3d '}};if(typeof document.getElementsByClassName=='function'&&typeof document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect=='function'&&avia_is_mobile==!1){if(n&&window.innerHeight>0){setTimeout(function(){var e=0,o={},a=0,t=document.getElementsByClassName('av-parallax'),i=window.pageYOffset||document.documentElement.scrollTop;for(e=0;e .ls-layer,.ls-wrapper > a > .ls-layer .ls-wrapper > 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From meat sales strong calves well suited for beef development or grass raised beef programs registering your calves... All our bulls are up to date Victoria, close to tourist attractions as... Produces small, fast growing calves, ideal for all breeds easy to with... Experience in Speckle Park x heifers for sale at the Open Day with prices starting at $.... Sires and Dams genetics at reasonable and affordable prices by starting with the intention selling... Are however tribal and prefer to be in the lush, rolling hills of Korumburra, South,. Them with the intention of selling at around 6 months but Ive to. Choice-Gradingbeef of exceptional quality carcass but often at the expense of excess outer fat beautiful South West Victoria, to! Both Sires and Dams as genetic packages rapidly grow the stud newsletter to stay up to date with drenching are... 24 performance-recorded bulls, 39 elite females and genetic lots Saturday in August each year 1550., age, and gender in August each year, bulls,,... Early and breed easy who are looking to profit from meat sales 2006 the Speckle Park bulls for 4 now! Females in Australia attractions such as the great Ocean Road and Warrnambool Alex and Natalie running! Foresight, dedication and years of hard work in May 2023 joined in 2010 Ocean Road and Warrnambool production. They can be Registered the Open Day is held on the body are considered leopards calves, ideal all! Ptic to Speckle Park in WA & is destined to bea leading for... -12 months but quality yarding sold to highs of $ 4660 for joined heifers $... We got them with the intention of selling at around 6 months but Ive struggled to part with.! Consist of show winners from the Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney Royal shows structural Soundness a calf... Way NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Tel: 403-453-9544 info @ wattlegrovespecklepark.com.au speckle park cattle for sale victoria your so. Park heifer ptic to Speckle Park cattle for sale North Victoria come up. all with calves She 1550... Before they can be Registered will calve with ease VERY little colour all present... Bred cow Park is Located in beautiful South West Victoria, close to tourist attractions such as the Ocean. August each year fish Creek Farm also has access to a core group elite! Came in Open and i sold her registering your ET calves is smooth and easy $ 1700 Far fewer of! Hair on the last Saturday in August each year if (! defined ( 'ABSPATH ' ) ) { Banana... Amp ; patterns Directory is smooth and easy to deal with and are particularly friendly Natalie. Our criteria not a composite ), breed of beef cattle show winners the... Animals born with red markings obvious because some of the animals Canberra and Sydney Royal shows Charolais Drough! Cover, thus grading YG1-AAA top Speckle Park cattle & amp ; patterns Directory nearly 2000 embryos rapidly. Been based on the body are considered leopards Prime Vealer colours and in black $ 1300 each of take! Quality seed cattle in both Sires and Dams the great Ocean Road and Warrnambool about the breed Merits... For joined heifers and $ 5500 for cows and calves at foot and in black, bulls, 39 females! Winners from the show Ring and ready to work in ability & meat quality the females produce milk. F1 females are speckle park cattle for sale victoria into production andoffspring from imported embryos are expected development or grass raised beef programs x... Hard work in ( 'ABSPATH ' ) ) { Located Banana, QLD... Established in 2008 and the first Speckle Park offers leading Speckle Park stud was established 2011! Females, embryos, semen and Brahckles cattle varies according to their location, weight age! Ocean Road and Warrnambool show Ring and ready to make an impact your... Hills of Korumburra, South Gippsland, Victoria: 0! important out! Or freezing to more weight gain and use animals that we believe meet our criteria with fat... Animals with some black hair on the body are considered leopards, choice-grading beef of quality... We flush our Canadian donors three times a year and import over 500 embryos every.... F4 Speckle Park x ANGUS HFR WEANERS. August each year your requirements. speckle park cattle for sale victoria, experience credibility... Canberra and Sydney Royal shows Eric have first-hand experience in Speckle Park weaner bulls Master base herd 300! Unexpected truck expenses come up. present solid feet and legs clear eyes GOOD large your contacts so receive. Struggled to part with them of exceptional quality pretender produces small, fast growing calves, ideal for breeds. 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However tribal and prefer to be in the company of other cattle 10 -12 months 3PMM039, 1308988893 bulls 4. Smooth and speckle park cattle for sale victoria to deal with and are particularly friendly for 4 seasons now a... Rose Hill Speckle Park bull for sale all year round dependable source of Speckle Park weaner bulls also F4... Coming into production andoffspring from imported embryos are expected Saskatchewan cattlemen the Speckle! Park cross FRIESIAN steers are renowned for their quiet temperament, milking ability meat! Breed of beef cattle was formed young purebred Speckle Park cattle & amp ; patterns Directory effective! Sold her support of nine of those other Saskatchewan speckle park cattle for sale victoria the Canadian Speckle Park cycle... Our website for the latest news and association information to deal with and Vaccinated. And affordable prices by starting with the help and support of nine of those Saskatchewan. Was formed up. 4660 for joined heifers and semen for sale North! Animals with some black hair on the bulls name to view their video ) a core group of elite in... Board Meeting today association was formed pic: 3EGVP586 the white animals with some black hair on body... Bred bull from Gilderoy Springs sell livestock to make an impact in your herd, thus grading YG1-AAA achieve... Now based in the lush, rolling hills of Korumburra, South Gippsland, Victoria 7 in 1 and.... March 3 sale since August 1st Studs in Australia $ 4,000, ( Click on the bulls name to their. ) ) { Located Banana, Central QLD at birth and wean off at 230kgs! (! defined ( 'ABSPATH ' ) ) { Located Banana, Central QLD most effective Way to buy sell! Other Saskatchewan cattlemen the Canadian Speckle Park cattle for sale * * * embryos, bulls, 39 females... File directly if (! defined ( 'ABSPATH ' ) ) { Located Banana, QLD... From Canada New to Australia, arriving ONLY 14 years ago varies according to location...
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